I will ^^ 8D
I will ^^ I might have to get off the comp soon, so it probably won't be done 'til later.
no xD
You're very welcome :]
Yay :glomp:
Happy Birthday! 8D
Happy birthday! 8D
Sure 8D You gotta stay active though. And I gotta finish it first. xD
Futuristico terrorists lol
Making a RP
Oops xP my internet is lagging @-@;
Yep yep 8D
Mine plays PS1 and PS2 games @-@; Only the 60g and 80g first gen. systems do :]
Welcome Wolfizz :glomp: And Axel :why?:
Lol. It's true though xD The forum is sooo dead xD
Somewhat. The system is a bit different, and people crack down on the rules better, and the RP forum isn't dead.
I think she's talented honestly. I don't like her, but she has talent, and I think it's good that she's finally breaking free from the innocent Disney image. Most of the world is sick of it, and I'd be surprised if she wasn't sick of it before we were. I liked the video, however weird it may have been. And guys, Miley is 17 now. She's not 12. People change along with their thoughts as they get older. I know that I definately didn't wanna dress the way I do now when I was 12. She's moving past Disney, which I think is a good move for her.
Gaiaonline. Best RP site ever xD