"Nope, nothing going on here." Jenson said calmly, putting her knife away. "Just an island cook trying to be a bigshot." She looked curiously at Xander, who was holding a gun. "You over here for a reason, officer? You just gonna stand there? Arrest this man. He's annoying me." She said, turning back around to watch the water. She was nervous. A cop was here now. What a derp. Ugh, I gotta play it cool. The stupid cook. If he causes trouble for me, I will kill him. You're in! <3 :glomp:
Kahlan looked at Nicole, surprised by her words. "No, no you can't do that! Xander would never kill someone without reason! Not ever! He's not like that! He's good!" She stood up, realizing she was being overly defensive, and stopped. "We can't go around asking people! Are you crazy? That would make us look like the ones at fault. No... We need to just sit back and watch everyone." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Riiigghht. An island cook dedicates his life to saving people. That's a laugh." Jenson grabbed Adam's right arm, twisted it behind his back, and put the knife to his throat. "Yer not a cop, dude. So scurry back to your restaurant and cook some foods. I'm busy." She released him. "Okay?"
"Wait... What?" Jenson said rather loudly. "Oh... Me too. Why? I thought you were just a cook." He's on to me. Oh shit, he's on to me. Stay calm. "What's a cook doing watching for terrorists? Hm?" Something's up with him. I will figure it out.
I do play the old games, but I also would like to see them revamped. New games are good and all, but I want to see old games first.
Jenson jumped up with a start as she heard someone approach. She whirled around, pulling out her knife. "Touch me, and this goes into your neck. Who are you?" She lowered the knife when she recognized him as one of the local cooks. "Oh. What do you want?" Her words came out harsher than she meant for them to, but she didn't apologize. Is someone on to me? No... No he's just a cook. But still... She realized that she was making herself look suspicious with her knife out, so she put it away, and stood straight. "May I help you?"
Oh. I'll post soon ^^
Uhm... I see no reason to post as either of my chars @-@
You should join my RP. We still need more people.
omg. i
@SoraUchiha- Please don't quote. That was in the rules. Guys, try to make sure your spelling and grammar is a little correct. Jenson sat in her bed, waiting, but not for anything in particular. She stood up and left her house, locking the door behind her, then pushing the knob afterwards to make sure it latched. She began to walk down towards the beach. She felt her left hip, making sure her knife was there, and sat near the water, watching, even though she new the group wouldn't be here yet. They told her to wait by the shore for them, and she would.
It took Kahlan a minute to notice Nicole, but whan she finally did, she looked up at her and said, "I don't know what do do anymore Nicole." More tears streamed down her face. "What if more people die? What if you're next... Or me... Or people we know?" She looked at Nicole, her face full of fear. "You heard about the note... The whole island is next." Kahlan rubbed her running nose on her jeans. "What are we going to do?"
Anime sucks. It's all about live action >8D
I added you. Yesterday. I just didn't post ; ;
I actually liked that movie...
Okay. Sorry about that.
"Um... Yes." She replied, taking his hand and shaking it firmly. She looked suspiciously at him. "It was nice meeting you... I gotta go." Kahlan stood up. She looked back at him. "Sorry." She wasn't the social type. She was uncomfortable talking to new people, especially now with everything going on. She started walking, and after a few minutes, looked back to see if she was out of Adam's line of sight, then sat down under a tree. She drew her knees up to her chest, and rested her chin in between them. "Life really sucks."
Kahlan noticed Adam sitting a few feet away. "Sorry I missed my shift today." She said, looking over the water. The sun was beginning to set, painting shades of orange and pink on the ocean. "I just... have alot on my mind. Adam, right?" She asked him. ~~~~ Jenson stood in her house. As usual, she had the curtains drawn, but some small rays of the setting sun shone through the translucent material, casting strange shadows on the walls and furniture. She pulled open a drawer next to her bed, and dropped a small device inside. She had contacted the group. They would be here soon.
You're in :] Kahlan sat on the beach with her toes in the sand, the water slowly edging its way closer to her as the day progressed. She was worried about what would happen to their island now that the people weren't safe anymore. What's going to happen to me? She thought, a tear rolling down her cheek. What will become of us? Her mind flashed back to her life in the city. Running, hiding, living in dumpsters, being scared, and fearing everyone. She didn't want that again.
Hmm... Not everyone is online... This other guy wants to join still @-@ Okay, let's start 8D
So wait... When the rules say no advertising, does that mean threads too? I thought it just meant websites and merchandise... :[