Lol, Wander? Jenson rolled her eyes at him. "Right, right. I won't mess around waiting for the whole night. C'mon. It's all almost over. I'm gonna go have fun tonight. I'm gonna drink it up. You never know how many days you have left. Especially starting tomorrow. Boss could kill us anytime. And all of these people are either all going to die, or be enslaved. I'm gonna need alot of drinks. Try to relax a little." She pinched his cheek. "You're too uptight all the time." She said as if she was talking to a baby. She lightly slapped the cheek she pinched. "Toodles." Jenson walked towards the nearest pub, and sat down at the bar. "Can I have a Screwdriver?" She liked to keep it simple. Vodka and orange juice. When her drink was handed to her, she took it and went to sit on the beach. "Live it up... My ass." She had gotten used to the island. She was the one going soft. She was dreading the morning. I can't do this. I never asked for this. What are you thinking, Jenson? Get yourself together. Remember, no regrets.
Oh, no, I just didn't want you to think I was hiding from you. D: I was afraid you did.
Lol don't worry. I've got it handled XD He's not PM'ing me anything bad, I just don't want to talk to him.
I wish this happened, because I don't want my groups to die. ]:
Sorry. This person won't stop PM'ing me.
May I use the 3rd C-3PO one? c:
Buy icecream. Doitdoitdoitdoit.
Until Arch posts again, I'm not sure what to say.
Happy birthday!
Thanks. I'm really sorry about that :\ Colorblind.
Stealing lines from Keith Urban? XD This whole thread made me laugh.
I hate to ask this. I know it wasn't in my rules, but I can't see red text. Is there any way you can do a different color? D:
Nope :]
:glomp: :glomp: Why scream? I don't bite. c; Lol you would.
"Oh... Well, ok." Kahlan was a little dissappointed. "Well, I'll help if I can y'know. Just... Okay." She frowned. She didn't know what she was expecting. Oh well, maybe another day. "I really do hope I can help. I'm quite smart when it comes down to it." ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jenson noticed she had a message from the big guys. She decided she would reply. "Roger. Why so soon? I just scared these peeps. Oh well. Fine." She turned to Thomas. "Why? Are you worried? Not going soft, are ya?" She glared at him, a playful look in her eye. "Before morning, Snookums." She laughed. "Why on Earth would I make myself look suspicious." She put a hand on his shoulder, and let her hand slide across his chest, then up to his chin. She put her mouth close to his, and looked into his eyes. Her look turned vicious. She squeezed his chin, hard. "You better be ready." She released him. "I mean it."
I don't @_@ Wolfie deletes all of my posts whenever she can, lol
Meditating can help you relax c:
D'aw. Oh well XD Whats up? :glomp:
c: i
You are forgiven ^^