Kahlan's face perked up. She had an idea, although every bone in her body seemed to fight against her. "Xander. I don't know how much longer we'll have on the island, and I wanted to say that... I've been here for a year, and I've always secretly liked you. I know that.. you probably have never noticed me..." Oh please, please say he doesn't have a girlfriend. Please, please... "But I've noticed you, and Ive always wanted to do something." Kahlan walked in front of Xander, and softly touched her lips to his.
Guess so, lol. What's your favorite song?
Fix'd. @_@ Oh gawd, I hope that's not you Mike.
Oh! And Defying Gravity from the musical Wicked. I'm boring XD What's weird is that none of those songs are by my favorite bands.
Ooh, that's a toughie. I like the songs Drops of Jupiter by Train, Taking Chances by Celine Dion, Echo by Trapt, or Faithfully by Journey.
And thanks ^^
Yeah, lol, I do 8D
I like your profile by the way ^^
Aah, that's freightening XD
I don't know lol
Sure thing^^
*gives PSP, runs off* I'm free! I'm free! Woohoo! *jumps* Sorry. That was random.
Lol, awesome 8D
Nothing really, lol. What about you?
Keep trying 8D I think I just got lucky. If you're really good, you have a great chance 8D
I'm good. How are you?
Hihi 8D
You can post whenever you want ^^ I guarantee most of the summer I'll be on KHV. I usually always post immediately after you or Arch.
Oh wow. The fire one was my favorite. You take great pictures. Seriously, I'd love to see more of your work.
Lol, don't worry. I prefer to always be on invisible anyways.