Later ok?"River said to him "go play with the twins." "Oooh....and why is that?" Elena turned to look at them
"They arent gonna make us blacksheeps of the family Elle." sshe smiled"Atleast the other three are ok with her....not to rough or loud or jealous...I thought Mickey would have been since he was the baby of the family but he seems to adore her."she smiled again
"Hiya"Maddie said"You two look very cheery."she smiled he grinned,while sticking his arms out to stop Tj,Esmya's oldest son who had a habbit of running at people then hugging them tightly,from crashing into him
"They cant ignore us or stay mad forever."he said she laughed"Just leaving the room when she's awake is a nightmare."
River lead the way back inside Maddie had shown up with her daughter's four children,the youngest who was 9 months old she set on the floor to play,with Elena who suddenly had dived onto the floor to watch the little girl
she laughed moving behind him slipping her arms around his waist and putting her chin on his shoulder"Maybe she'll grow out of it." "It might take a few moe days"he said looking up from the essay he was writing.
he grinned,then shivered in the cold December air"Coming back inside? its freezing."
Lyra headed into the room"How is she?"She asked Alex was likewise hiding from his own family,he'd already listened to a voice mail from his father and had had to leave the room because the words his dad was using were not words he wanted Jamei to hear or use.
"Sooo...Tyler River then?"he asked grining
ooc-might as well lol "soon it wont be "he said ------------------------------- Lyra,who'd gotten out of hospital a few day ago,had made a habit of phoning Alex or Elle everytime she thought Casey was busy and out of ear shot or it was his turn to feed,change,bathe or put the baby to bed.She was worried for her cousin and Elle,worried that i Casey finaly did catch them nothing would calm his rage.
ooc-XD "Oh yeah its-....River."he said"her name was Lake River..."he laughed "Unless I make up another name like....Tyler then I could use it."
he laughed" would.." ooc-should we skip to a few days? I have no idea what to say anymore lol
ooc-what is her maiden name? "Umm..."he said once he'd asked but he couldnt remeber
"Its ok...whats life if not without its drama's?"he laughed
"what wrong with Steven? he could get called Stevie....ohh..wait no I dont like that....I'd probably just use my other middle name that?"
" I love you too"he said
"I'll use my dad's name or something"he said shrugging"Or make up one...I've always liked the name Steven."
he smiled back then hugged her
he nodded,"so there will deffinatly be resentment there....but he- they...both him and Casey just need time to see that I'd never ever hurt you...and if I'd known about Jamei I would have helped you out."
"Yeah."he laughed"we are"then he smiled at her,if someone had told him a few years ago that he'd be engaged he'd have told them there were off their rocker,that there was no way on earth that he'd even marry....but then Hermia came into the picture and everything changed,she was his other half to make him whole.