not much...just getting ready to go over my friends XD
ooc- i forgot to say...when he screams darkness he has dark rikus attire and is stronger and faster. " would think...but im getting faster and stonger as we speak." Uh yeah...Riku, Selphie, Wakka, Why?
what game?
"I know...we both reside in Darkness..Darkness should not fight Darkness." he looked down."DARKNESS!!" ooc- thats alot of Darkness.Lmao bic-Destiny Islands...thats my home world...i mean Soras home world...This is my home world. Roxas looked home world was a computer simulation.
=O YOU CHEATER!. lol jk
hehe. whats Games FAQ ?
no im just inactive for awhile..and sorry about that...its because im on;; aim; MSN; myspace; and its...
yeah... lol well if you count KH as a FF game than yea ive played 3 of em
"Hmph." Yeah i have a heart. Because i met my Somebody, Sora. So uh..what world are you from?
ohh. because i wanna get it. i never played a final fantasy game in my life
-_-...rawr. Have yo ever played F.F X
really? wow..i could never do that.
ooc- Accepted.^-^ and it doesnt matter. Oh god...this is gonna be hard explaining... Roxas thought to himself. Roxas stuck his hands in his pockets and leaned up agaisnt a wall. [I seriously dont know exzactly..cause i allways skip that part but...ill try] Uh...when a strong hearted person gets turned into a heartless, like how Sora did, they creat both a heartless, and a Nobody...and uh..Nobodys are basicly like heartless, but they look like a human and can do whatever a human could do.They just dont have feelings...because they dont have hearts. But if a Nobody meets his or her Somebody...they gain a heart...and are completly whole. Roxas let out a half smile. ooc- lol when you mentiond Cloud i got sooo confused. XDD bic- Xiruk's mouth dropped. He couldnt believe it. " the...what the...howd you do that!?"
oh wow....well that sucks for you.
Haha. Thats cool. What is it?
Aww. -holds out cookie-
XDD Whats up? [IMG] [IMG]
MUhahahahah!!!! Lol. whats up?
Oh. Better than nothing though!
Wow! thats alot. and okays :=D: