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  1. CloudStrife2k9
  2. CloudStrife2k9
    ooc- i forgot to say...when he screams darkness he has dark rikus attire and is stronger and faster.

    " would think...but im getting faster and stonger as we speak."

    Uh yeah...Riku, Selphie, Wakka, Why?
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Aug 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. CloudStrife2k9
    Profile Post

    what game?

    what game?
    Profile Post by CloudStrife2k9 for xXRhian+RoxasXx, Aug 5, 2009
  4. CloudStrife2k9
    "I know...we both reside in Darkness..Darkness should not fight Darkness." he looked down."DARKNESS!!"
    ooc- thats alot of Darkness.Lmao
    bic-Destiny Islands...thats my home world...i mean Soras home world...This is my home world. Roxas looked home world was a computer simulation.
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Aug 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. CloudStrife2k9
    =O YOU CHEATER!. lol jk
    Profile Post by CloudStrife2k9 for xXRhian+RoxasXx, Aug 5, 2009
  6. CloudStrife2k9
    hehe. whats Games FAQ ?
    Profile Post by CloudStrife2k9 for xXRhian+RoxasXx, Aug 5, 2009
  7. CloudStrife2k9
  8. CloudStrife2k9
  9. CloudStrife2k9

    Yeah i have a heart. Because i met my Somebody, Sora. So uh..what world are you from?
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Aug 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. CloudStrife2k9
  11. CloudStrife2k9
  12. CloudStrife2k9
  13. CloudStrife2k9

    ooc- Accepted.^-^
    and it doesnt matter.

    Oh god...this is gonna be hard explaining... Roxas thought to himself.
    Roxas stuck his hands in his pockets and leaned up agaisnt a wall. [I seriously dont know exzactly..cause i allways skip that part but...ill try] Uh...when a strong hearted person gets turned into a heartless, like how Sora did, they creat both a heartless, and a Nobody...and uh..Nobodys are basicly like heartless, but they look like a human and can do whatever a human could do.They just dont have feelings...because they dont have hearts. But if a Nobody meets his or her Somebody...they gain a heart...and are completly whole. Roxas let out a half smile.

    ooc- lol when you mentiond Cloud i got sooo confused. XDD
    bic- Xiruk's mouth dropped. He couldnt believe it. " the...what the...howd you do that!?"
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Aug 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. CloudStrife2k9
  15. CloudStrife2k9
  16. CloudStrife2k9
    Aww. -holds out cookie-
    Profile Post by CloudStrife2k9 for xXRhian+RoxasXx, Aug 5, 2009
  17. CloudStrife2k9
  18. CloudStrife2k9
  19. CloudStrife2k9
  20. CloudStrife2k9