Oh...okay. Later man.
XDD okay. Thanks. but i g2g...bye. ttyt. :xp:
i did..it was on a video i saw..
Yeah.. its been.....boring.. what grade are you going in?
=\ Sorry
xP hows your summer been?
XDDD Thank you. Sorry if its a pain...=\
Back ::L: lol. Whats up?
i g2g sorry man..ill take with you later Later!
lmao! XDDDDD i would buy that notebook now.XD you are know a god. XDDD
i geuss so. xD
ooc- god modding..Strike 1. You godmod 2 more times and your out.. ooc-okay...why is your person like untouch-able[ by that i mean the stupid side step thing you do ] and can kill anyone with a couple hits in every Rp your in?? its anoying.
i get roxas's body perfect...its just the face i cant do...so i do what ever. and oh..i find dudes easier..
ooc-oh....and oh snap...NEVER! lol. XD
ooc-...huh? oh...so that was just a thought bubble thing?
Remix walked up next to the two. "Mind if i help?" Remix started turning into Zexion,[Though not much of a change happend] but he stoped and was back to his normal self.
ooc- lol XD bic- Xiruk started laughing. "Nice one dad!!" Xero started laughing. *no its not.* Xero rubbed his shoulder from the time when Xiruk threw his shoe at him.
Oh and i draw like one other person...which is a mix of me, roxas, riku, and zexion
Lol. I dont...i used to..but then i tried roxas and now thats basicly all i draw is him, my versions of him, riku, my version of Riku, my version...
Xiruk walked up to Roxas and whisperd "Throw your shoe at him."