"Uh...well..I brought back, Sephorath, Master Xehanort, Terra, Ven, Zack...uh Reno...Kadaj..um...and i think thats it." ooc-Okay.. 1.If you want, sure..but you dont have to. 2.Well...Xiruk is at his castle and Zesmax found out he brought like every villian dude that pwns..and some Heros. And... Xemnas is at his castle with Repliku i think.And its at, Traverse Town, Twilight Town, Castle Oblivion[Xiruks castle] Clouds nose twitched. "Haha...yeah i geuss. I dont know why though.."
Xiruk took out his keyblade to defend himself...then he rememberd he was the leader and it disapperd. He scratched his head. "Well, I wanted to prove we were better than his organization" "Uh...yeah. Why?"
Okay. And Hi! Whats up?
"Well...you know how i was supposed to be the 14th member in his Organization? Well, he wanted to know why i would make a new organization instead of joining his....So i told him, i would never join him, and i said i brought Organization XIII ba--" His eyes widened. "...Uh..i mean.." Xiruk warped away to the basement. "So this was where Zexion used to stay...boring.." Xiruk looked around. "Hopefully she wont find me here...hey whats that do?" It was a computer, on the screen it said, 'Type in Location of Castle, and name' He typed in 'The Basement, and Xiruk.' A siren went off and said. 'BASEMENT, XIRUK, BASEMENT, XIRUK.' His eyes widened. "Uh-oh.."
ooc- Not much happend..i just told CoD he was godmodding...and thats it. Xiruk touched his nose and smiled. "His scent...it filled the castle.You probobly dont have that ability to smell the darkness. I only have it because of Riku." ooc- Okay! You got her! ^-^
Thank you man!! Its so sick!!![in the good way.XD] KH 358/2 days was a good choice of game to base it on! So anyways, what are you doing?
what code?
i g2g...sorry. ill be on a little bit around...9ish for you. okay..bye! ::L:
Yes it is. And thank you. And i really dont know whats going on...except for, Cloud met Roxas and they went to the sandlot looking for you...
Xiruk had a crooked smile."Heh..heh...Uh yeah..um about that..it just...uh...I did that because...um.." Xiruk didnt wanna tell her why. "Because Xemnas came..i didnt want you to get hurt..." Xiruk looked down ooc- see?@Cloud of Darkness -_-
Lol.Oh and Cloud of Darkness keeps gomoding..he godmod'd twice in a row..-_- and in my rules it says godmod 3 times and your out.. >.<
ooc-[strike 2] DUDE! STOP GODMODING! one more time and your out! and cstar7777 is right..its really easy not to..
Same. and...i really dont know whats goin on in my Rp..>.< ill have to check and ill tell you
Hi!::L: whats up?
hi whats up?
lol we dont have recess. xD not sure if its a good or bad thing..>.<
hey loop. whats up?
Heyy. PLaying Grandchase...XD You?
Lol. Im in 8th btw...D:
Damn...now i feel young... =\