I've been having nightmares since October the first of last year. That's pretty much all there is to know about my dreams.
I was going to, but then I saw your green text. And it wasn't worth it.
A Toy Story world is too cliche. Any Pixar world is too cliche really. There's no use for them anyway. Disney has enough original worlds they can use instead of resorting to anything from Pixar.
Good for you.
Obviously the remake is better. The only thing the original had was being able to play it on the go.
I'm not sure what it is I'm looking at. Which is probably a good thing.
Batman. My superpower would be the ability to turn into the real Batman.
Try not going outside.
If you're sick and tired, then you should use the free time you have by getting better.
It's probably just a really strong Pureblood Heartless. If not, I'm sure it'll be explained in the new games.
Congrats on buying something and not doing anything with it.
Not funny.
I've had many snow days. I don't see what the big deal is.
Everything stated in this thread is impossible to do in a day.
I would destroy it. No use having it around.
An RP? It won't last long.
I'll live in the world of Sengoku Basara. What's better than killing thousands of soldiers with one swing of your sword? Nothing. Plus, I'll be friends with Keiji and Masamune.
Overrated game is overrated.
Wow, that's pretty stupid. Don't waste your time and money buying a Xbox 360 for one game. At least use the money to buy a good system.
Megan Fox was the only reason I didn't like the earlier movies. And since she is not in this one, It's going to be a great movie.