A better life.
That's disgusting.
Fuu is pretty hot. Plus, she don't say much so she won't talk your ear off.
And then you woke up.
Who is this Stephenie Meyer?
You have numerous people you don't know labeled as friends that reaches a number with no meaning. Cool.
Ohh, the TC was actually saying something. I thought it was just a lot of empty space.
He wants you.
My law would be to have no laws at all. Just chaos.
I prefer calling him Apprentice Xehanort actually. Terranort isn't even a real name. Just made by some random person. But yeah, that's obviously who I meant.
It's not Terra's nobody. It's young Xehanort's nobody. It's pretty simple really.
It was for children? Wow, I thought E meant for everyone. Not children.
You shouldn't care what other people say. They're just jealous you're going somewhere in life and they're not. Ignore them.
Go over to their houses and sex their moms up. Or if not, ditch them for new better friends when they have plans. They'll feel bad and want to be friends again. This is where you say ''No''.
Final Fantasy X.
Do me a favor first. Stop using gifs.
What a ******bag.
Am I supposed to listen to that?
I see no resemblance. Get your eyes checked.
Here is a random post.