You said who wouldn't want him in it and I said Nightmare haters^^
Apple Pie FTW!!!
Nightmare Haters^^ It is my favorite movie!!!! EVER!!!!
I just want them to have Jack Skellington in Birth by Sleep^^
Hi peoples!!! *waves* 26847
It's like A pic you choose as a central design for a sig or avy! 26821
Hey Roxma! What exactly is missing?? Well I feel better! I figure I'll ask someone else! 26815
Sure...hmm.. I guess I'll replace Ichi... I want one with Samus! 26811
I typed that wrong... I meant I always argue not agree with my parents! So what's up peoples??? 26808
I always agree with my parents... 26796
Beep Beep!!! I is bored now!!
You owns lots of manga^^ Me jealous!! I wants more Bleach Manga!!
I don't know how to do it anyways...
Allo Peoples!! 26782
Yikes is joo okay?! Get some aloe-vera!!!
*grabs Roxma's shoulders* Answer me! *shakes* ...
O.o this thread now scares me^^ Well.... a. frind: Male or Female? b. well...I only have an a...
She said SHE you is a he! And no Ctr loves everbody!! Except....
LOL!!! Me knows who that is^^ Thx Ctr you made me feel better!!!
Yeah It was weird without you Freak... No weird pictures on every thread..