This is why everyone missed you^^
...You haven't seen Futurama? 26934
*raises hand* Me Ooohhh oohhh pick me!^^
Tomorrow...I think...
I hate Halloween! TT.TT *is easily scared*
In before lock^^
Oooh me sorry!! I'll change it right away!! 26931
Lawlz peoples is stereotypical^^ J/K
Cause they don't post lots!
I wouldn't^^ 26929
Reminds me of Edgar Allen Poe! He's my favorite author!^^
But you still have Zoidberg, You ALL still have Zoidberg!! 26924
Me gots a new avy!!!^^ 26921
Hey Soku! Welcome Back! :glomp:
Now you isn't^^ 26919
Hewo Famiwe!!!!
Merci Beacoup mon amie!!
Thank you so much^^ I feel naked without an avy!
I am really upset that the good one is for PSP!!! I wants it for PS2 TT.TT
Who is your bestest friend on this site?