I am in highschool 9th-Go Frosh's!!!! 27098
Why do you taste your own blood anyway?!
Me agrees!
They played that song for 2 hours at our pep rally... *Twitches* 27069
??? How do you know what blood tastes like???
*Is confused* ...Okay then...
??? What do you mean?
Well your sig and avy looked like Bunetrex....Sorry My mistake^^ 27057
Yikes that sucks dude! :glomp: But don't worry It'll get better!
Bye Byes then^^
Ahh! Kairi I wasn't sleeping! There was this black thing and it swallowed me up....I think...
Aww what's wrong? Sometimes ranting helps! Blast away I am listening!
You was comfy Roxma! *Yawns* *Falls asleep on next poster*
You changeded your name? 27052
*hugs back* Fine and you? 27042
Hello! 27040
Hi peoples!! *Falls asleep on lap of the next poster*
I agrees!!! Roxma is the new motivational speaker^^