LAWL those are great ideas hahaha mmmhhh Jimmy Dean's biscuits
lol im back BIC:: Demyx walked over to the largecash register with all the big numbers and the weird adding symbols. "Man did they pick the wrong dude for this job" he muttered to himself. "Where did my Suitar GO!?!?!?!?!" Demyx runs around the walmart screaming where is MY Suitar!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Continues to scream..... "One of the other members took it as a joke..... I know them like i know my abc's. A B C D E F... X Y Z." Demyx remembers that he lost his suitar screams again.
Hellow, I was kinda bored from writing my 4th chptr in my Story, (you can read it in my sig), so i decided to make this thread. So if you could have any three wishes what would they be. Yeha this is lame lol but tell me. Also if you read my story tell me what you think of it! Ok here's my three wishes 1. I wish i could create and manipulate anything. 2.I wish i could take myself or anything anywhere i wanteed. 3. I wish I could put myself into video games as my own character. Like Kingodm hearts and FFX and what-not. SO what about you?
LOL, i tried to edit it and it didn't work!!!!! lol, i can't believe you knew TC-14, i didn't think people would nitice that XD, im just gonna stop writing big lol. EDIT: pl yeha i fixwd it@ lol
LOL, by the WAY, if anyone is actually reading my story here... chapter 4 is up~ yay!
OOC:YAY! BIC: Demyx put down his water guitar after playing for his water drones in a sudden movement. "OH no! I need to get my math ready! ok here we go demyx focus" 1+1= 3? 2-1=3? 2x2=3? 4-1= 1? "Ok i think i have everything back in shape! yay me!" EDIT: Sorry i gotta go to sleep, ill be on tomorrow though! YAY!" OOC: wow lol im weak from all my running today, so is my brain from righting my new chptr in my story
Bònjour! *fillers*
wooteth! when do we start!??
Ok some new features! Lawlz. Ok since my new chptrs will be longer i wont be typing in big print.... "aww", but they will soon be action packed! "yay" Ok now, i haven't reall gotten any new readers so plz if you read this tell me what you think!!!!! sersiouly i won't know if you like it unless you tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so plz tell me!!! ok heers chptr 4 Chapter 4: The Ship Kiyoshi slowly opened his eyes, but only to the relief of seeing a small blurr. Kiyoshi reached out only to have his front fingers touch a large metallic hand. He jumped back, only to once again hit his head against what he had thought was a bed. "Leiko, where am I?" Kiyoshi whispered as he fell back into a long sleep. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kiyoshi awoke once again, but he did not open his eyes. He tried to put what had happened back into place, "we were driving back to the villiage from the Fighter's Warehouse when i saw Leiko still had the key, then I was in some small two room 'dungeon'? What had I missed?" He opened his eyes, expecting to see a blurr again, instead to his surprise he awoke to the face of a small robot, about 2 inches taller then he, with a small, red, hospital cap ontop of its scratched head.. The robot reached for Kiyoshi's head, only to be pushed away by his hand. The robot looked old and rusted, as though it hadn't been cleaned in over 5 years. The robot pulled out what looked to be a small scalpel, and in a quick motion, ran it across Kiyoshi's face. Kiyoshi winced back as if he had been sliced but saw as a small bandage fell off from his forehead. "Who are you?" Kiyoshi faced the robot. "Im am TC-14, protocall android specialized in health-care and up-being of the human being. I have been set up to take care of you in your healing process." The voice was mettallicy, it reminded him of the androids back at the old training warehouse he and his firends used to play at. "Where is Leiko? You see, he is only about a couple inches taller then me with light brown hair, and its really spikey..."Kiyoshi lifted his hand a few inches off his head. The robot paused, raised its dark red eyes, opened its mouth a few inches and paused again. "I am TC-14, protocall android specialized in health-care and up-being of the human being. I have been set up to take care of you in your healing process." Kiyoshi snickered at his own little joke. "So, how many fingers am I holding up?" Kiyoshi stuck his two forefingers up in front of the robot. The robot's face stayed blank as well as its cold eyes, its slowly opened it's mouth reciting it's thoughts; "I am TC-14, protocall android specialized in health-care and up-being of the human being. I have been set up to take care of you in your healing process." Kiyoshi now laughed out loud, only to suddenly cough sharply. Kiyoshi clutched his chest, and spluttered out more coughs. They began to come out harder, and more frequent, "What's wrong with me?" Kiyoshi managed to spudder out his sentence in the midst of all the coughing. The robot slowly pushed Kiyoshi back down onto the bed and pulled out a small odd-looking utensil. It was rounded at the top, and a small blade at the bottom, inside was a white liquid. "Wate what are you doing!, let me go!" Kiyoshi fought off the robot but it was much stronger then he. The robot quickly stabbed the utensil into Kiyoshi's arm and poured the white liquid out. Kiyoshi was only able to mutter a few more words until he passed out quickly. He felt that same darkness overtake him as before. Once again he was falling. Through the black. Kiyoshi pushed himself as though he were on the bed again, but he suddenly realized he was really falling this time. He looked around in surprise as if to see a light switch as before but there was nothing. Suddenly small twinkles of light appeared on the wall, as though they were forming words. He squinted to read the small handwriting; "The war ends with your courage." "Is anyone out there!?" Kiyoshi expeted to hear an echo, but surprisingly didn't even hear is own voice. He suddenly could see something below him, a floor was slowly assembling. He tried to move like he was going to dodge it but it was inevitable. He quickly met the floor with his face, but felt no pain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kiyoshi awoke suddenly only to find that he was back in the small room. He was feeling better, and could see quite clearly so he decided to scan out the room. Kiyoshi slowly looked around to see that the room was a cylindrical shape with no outside-windows, only a small door with a circular glass-pane window that looked out into another room. He sat up in the bed he was in and walked over to the small bookshelf on the left side of the room. He scanned the books and pulled one out that was a bright red-color and small white words. He squinted at the title, only to be dissapointed that it was obviously a medical book about the anatomy of the heart. He rummaged through more books only to see that they were all about the body and the various medical treatments for the diseases that affected them. He had looked through most of the books before he picked up one particular book that took to his eye. He reached for it only to reveal a small button that read "Open" etched into it with a ink feather, he reluctantly pressed the button. Sounds of mechanical gears churned behind him as he turned to see the only door slide open, showing a large, white corridor with a door on the each side. He walked towards the door on the right reading a small panel labeled on the look-through window above the door-handle. "Cockpit" He walked towards the end of the hallway where he could see a window that actually looked out of whatever he was on. All that he could see as he walked over was black, like the darkness that he was falling in, but a few small bits of white blotted in. As he walked closer and closer he was finally recognizing where he was, he reassured himself "I'm in outerspace..... on a.... plane?" Kiyoshi turned around astonished only to be even more surprised to see the TC-14 model robot glaring him in the eyes. "Please, return to your room, and I will treat you so that you can be well again." "But I feel fine." "Please return to your room, and I will treat you so that you can be well again." The robot took a saringe out of her pocket with the same liquid that he had seen before. "No, don't please!" Kiyoshi rushed towards the old robot and pinned her to the wall. "I said I feel fine." The robot became derainged, chanting on its programmed sayings; "I am TC-14... please return.... your hurt.... I am TC-14!,.... pleauhhh." The robot's voice plummeted to a low drone and then went blank, its once bright red eyes turned to a blank black. It's head cocked to the side and fell over onto the floor. Kiyoshi let go of it's shoulder and walked to the door that had read "cockpit", he slowly clicked the handle, expecting it to be locked but it easily slid open. He saw two small chairs with one of them being occupied, "So your finally better eh?" ,Kiyoshi recognized the voice. No seriosuly please tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i relaly want to know~ Thx EDIT:YAY i fixed it lol
can i please be demyx!! lol
Hmm yes i know there are already posts about this but mine is different.... Ok, i signed up with a hotmail account for kh-vids, and so i tried to signup in the user-portal with my yahoo account. And then it brings up this weird page that says stuff like: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Does anybody know what to do!?!?
ooh cool! I liked it better when you had written in smaller print, it just looked a lil better.... ok thats all i have to critique... awesome story again!
hmm, i suppose, but then again, i dunno his expressions is something that was really intriguing, lol i like that word. But then again, like i said b4 his acting in RotS was amazing, wouldn't you agree?
Hmm, i beg to differ, i enjoyed his role in this movie, i found that he took the role and, i dunno was just very intriguing, i think thats the word. Also I like him alot in Revenge of the Sith, very breath-taking part.
lol i gotta go guys, l8er chptr 4 of my story should be up, if any of you are actually reading it.... lawlz
OMG..... comon do we even get to attack you?
ATTACK DEFEND MAGIC SUMMON ATTACK SLICE FLY BOMB AEROGA LIMIT<--- "KIKAMI TEAM!" Blade and Kikame continuously slice at burnyboy-jester in a nonstop limit attack!
hi there.... I am seeming to have the same problem, i have a hotmail email, im not sure if that makes a difference? what do you have? umm im sorry that i really can't help you.... dont hate me... :) lol i would like to help you but i can't, and i would like to upload vids too.....
muwahaha ATTACK DEFEND SUMMON MAGIC<---- CLICK MAGIC ->Ice ->Fire ->Thunder ->Gravity ->Transform<---- CLICK TRANSFORM ->Dumbo ->Burnyboys mom (Lolz) ->King<----- ->Roxas ->Dwarfen Soldier CLICK Blade transforms into a high king. "Jester, AMUSE ME!"