how have ur days been?
is anybody here?
Oh yeah check this one out! OH! put that in your pipe and smoke it!
ACtually, PANDAS ATTACK muwahahahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahahah soz im a lil hyper gottaz get everything in b4 i get grounded again for my grades.....
OMG! monkeys attack the chainsaw! *glomp chainsaw*
Monkeys shall rule the world!
WOW, ya know i would post a pic but im so ugly it would probly break all of your computers, no joke.
LOL join the club of F's, ill be grounded in about 3 days so, goodbye for 3 days from now.
Really? what color is my hair?! 0.0
Hmm, i dunno.... women's intuition? jk, ur not a girl are you? i didn't \think you were
I'm not legally aloud to tell.... lol
HOly Cow! I had no idea how many times a teenage guy could get grounded in the same month! DARNIT! im back though
Hellow, Darkest Blade here! Recently I read the book, and it has become my favorite book of all time, and it is called "And then there were none" So I have decided to make an RPG after it. Ok lets go! "Premise" Strangers gather on an island to meet a strange man named Mr. Owens, but all for different reasons. After very strange events they begin to share their own dark and horrible secrets and one by one.... they die. "Rules" 1. Keep it Pg-13 2. Don't kill other peoples characters without there consent 3. Please try to keep it up-beat, and use right grammar if u can. 4. HAVE FUN! "Guidlines" We are all allowed to have 2 chars each, they should be made-up people or you can take them from other shows so if you do, tell me where they are from. Before we go into the story we are gonna need introductions to the characters, so remember to make one of those before we begin. Please don't make yourself the killer, it would ruin the whole storyline. Also, if you would like, kill off your own characters to keep up the suspense! And once one of them die ask me to get another one. Ok Thx! and remember have Fun! "Characters"
OMG IM FINALLY BACk! from the land of the grounded lol!
uhh lol hmm mine would be: Xyletr rylext txlyre xerylt
lol in Drama we had to watch The Sound Of Music... 5 times...... so lets mathmattically put this out.... about 4x5= hmm lets see...... 20 hours.... I WASTED 20 HOURS OF MY PRECIOUS LIFE!!!!! DANG
yeha, i've counted them i counted 21 up and down
ahahaha thats great....
ooh interesting..... ill need to go back and look at that, although i doubt that he broke out or anything, maybe his book wasn't good enough to be on the weapon list.... 0.0 -