my friends list.... nvrmind... i say we have a funeral for her...
well u got number 15 right lol!
Not much Burnitup... so since Sai er kik left us... u wana be first on my list? lol jk Why does she get so pissed off at us? err well not really at me... but still... geez
um Sai uhh god what the Freak happened to you!?!? what happened to the nice person i knew a year ago? now its just screaming and anger? Well guess what RAWR! RWAR RAWR RAWR! anger! see i can do it too :guns:So feel this! So anyways how is everyone?
sorry i just drank a couple of red bulls... They give u wings... wow what a true statement
lol i was thinkin Kitty from that 70's Show! I WAS LIKE OH YEAH! oh Kitty is awesome from the forums too...
:O OMG OMG OMG OMG IT WORKED! I LOVE U DEMON SLAYER KYLE! oh if i could give u a billion rep points i would... but ill just settle with the oens i can give you... oh wow... oh btw im not gay...
Ok I was told that to submit videos to the User Portal i needed to make a serperate account alltogether so that i had a different email... well when i tried to make it i fill out all the things like Username,Password, But then when it comes up to the Image Verification it says "Invalid Public Key. Make sure you copy and pasted it correctly." I really want to be able to submit vids, what am i to do? can an admin make me an account if nothing else works?? D:
well its nto really even a swear word... just edited s l u t <-- thatas wat i said
fine ill be the school ____ oops soz if thats not appropriate! nvrmind it edited it out so lol :Þ nah jk but ok i might cheat lol XD
alright i homeschool so i normally have like 3 hours of the day occupied by school and everything... so i can be on and ill add it and read everything ill also read to make sure i dont hit on any of the girls already taken :Þ lool
-----__---- everytime im about to join its too late DSK are u normally on during the day? like so u can aprove the account?
:D thanks for the help anyways tho!
thats gay whenever i try to make a new account it wont bring up the image thingy where i gotta type in the weird lookin letters
aah what do u mean? seperate account? like seperate account for the forum?
ello all *fillerz*
Hi i searched all over and i couldn't find a similar thread to the one im aobut to make so if this is similar can u redirect me to the one im lookin for and then lock this one? thanks! ok here we go! Anyways ive been tryin to log into user portal and everytime i try to create and log in for it i put in my original email and it wont work... I have tried to use Hotmail accounts (MSN) Yahoo accoutns (Yahoo Duh) and Gmail (Google) none of them work!!! so is there ANY free Email adress i can make that will work on the user portal? PLZ i really want to post some vids...
starkiller is the best freakin name for a character... also the greatest jedi to ever roam the universe i would kiss u but i think u might be a guy... im not sure tho
aight ill probly have to join tomorow tho im goint to bed in 3 mins lol DSK u hopefully willl b on l8er tomorrow
omg i was gonna try and join but theres so many freakin things and ppl goin on i can't figure it out... DSK whenever this RPG ends and u make another... WARN ME! lol i even tried to read alot of the posts...