Ike best freakin character in all of smashbrotherhood!
SILENCE~ what is a revolution without dancing?
Tackles Air! DANGIT! where are you??!?! Kicks at the ground and behind her
Doomden notice what this place is in... the PLAYground we are PLAYING so if u dont want to play then u can go to the unployment line! grawr! no im just kiddin do u forgive me Doom?
Throws water pail at her! ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE! then tackles her:glomp: but in an angrier way
i failed english in 8th grade... comon man err girl? idk woich are you?
like as in she felt ignored?
WHy!?!? What happened! did someone pull out a gun?:guns: *shoots at her*
Rainbowishyish!... oh heck no! Mira stole mine! fine mira u r a=STEALER!
ehh she got really pissed off cuz ppl were bein mean to her? or just in general?
ehh Wolfy?
HEY HEY HEY! Joker this is a time for mourning... not speakin to the dead
oh hey doomden no no we are just filing up our sadness with these jokes... no we really do know... i think inform us!
SAI! DOOMDEN! *Que Song* AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU! oohyeah! forever and ever! pieces of memories fall to the fround. EMBRACES!* :glomp:
actually im doin better.... If u had read a post of mine earlier ;like a couple weeeks ago it was about how a girl i had liked for 5 years and how nothing ever happened between us and how i needed advice about it... so ppl told me i needed to get over it... so ive been tryin to it, so ppl were talkin about her today and this guy that she likes but im not sure if he likes her back and how they have been tlakin alot lately. *Deep Breath* So I saw some pictures of her and im starting to feel nothing.. And sorta not in a goodway. I feel like somone ripped my heart out and took a big chunk out of me. Then just shoved it back in... so truthfully i feel like hell
DSK u make me wanna stretch my bottom lip over my forhead
lol it did ryme... its like ur a poet and u didn't even know it! :O that rhymed and i wasnt even trying to make it rhyme! ;)
YEAH! oh oh Dblade is gonna mess up all of yall! erm nvrmind
its a quite sick song... yeah idk why but... well nevemind... if shes in a really pissed off mood then tell her to listen to Hand Of Blood By Bullet for my Valentine
hmm i know what u mean... well not really cuz the girls i want aren't there with me in the first place... comon ppl open your hearts!