HMM, i dont remember Jester burnyboy? ATTACK DEFEND MAGIC SUPER ATTACK<--- CLICK ->*secret attack* CLICK Blade rears into a super attack growing power, rushing towards burnyboy he thrashles at him into a hurtling dive, quickly adjusting his fore-finger he pokes jester-burnyboy in the tummy! his hp goes to 1
Omg not again Burnyboy! lolz ATTACK SUMMON<-- CLICK burnyboys mom<--- dumbo winnie the poo CLICK lol remember that?
hey guys whats up?
Ok, do you want me to keep going? if one more person says yes ill keep going.....
LOL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! that was so freakin awesome im shaking!!!!!! EDIT: lol, that wasn't my char.... it was Roxas..... or a memory of Roxas 0.0 AAAH that was without doubt the best fanfic aaah, if you dont make a sequal, or maybe 5 sequals i will second that announcement to beat you with a pickle.... no joke! i will, make it, now!!! NO SERIOUSLY NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWw
You know what i dont care ill just use a secret color and font, wever, anyway that would have been too long with all that.... i guess ill use Navy as my color, Bold, and Arial Black, hmm i dunno how this will turn out. Anyways, how goes life?
So you just plug it in every time??? Geesh.... oh well i guess ill try, from now on here it goes...... K here it is woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
*cough* Burnitup is the best!*uncough* lol dont ask me he's the one that made the password >.<yeah and kik how you make it so that your text is always green. I tried doin that to mine by just puttin it in on all my texts but it gets old.... do you just do it everytime you do a new post? or is there a secret way 0.0
psst, Kik, ask me! I know it yeah ask me comon ask me, il tell you
->Attack ->Defend ->Magic ->Summon ->Bag -> Special <--- CLICKS --> Dark Oasis<--- B lade jumps into the air filling the sky with darkness it begins to bleed out and a large flash of light is seen, and everything is destroyed... LOL soz i gotta go, BTW i was just kidding keep going or whatever.... lol
->Attack ->Defend<--- ->Magic ->Summon ->Bag ->DEFEND ->Reflega ->Dark Sword ->Dark Sheild<--- Blade, while in the air, hits Burnyboy with a Dark Sheild but it is unnafective on that hit...