Hey bro, I managed to fix my computers without a problem, I don't think I need your comp files anymore lol. I do however have your mp3 ready and...
Really? What browser do you use? I use chrome and in extreme measures Internet Explorer. I suppose if switching to something 5.0, something new...
Ah, problem solved. I cleaned up my trojans, removed people from my localhost.msn, uninstalled and re installed chrome, still had the problem, scanned my computer, but I finally fixed it :) I poked around my antivirus and internet security had a message saying internet security had an error, but was still functional. I fixed that, installed some updates for my antivirus, restarted, and boom. Google is back! :D Thank you all for your help :)
Ah. Trust me, its loaded lol. Its just overlaped. I brought it up in the update bug thread and misty told me to use a newer skin. That fixed it,...
Hey, you went invisible. May I ask why?
Cancel games club? I can I guess, but why? You wont be on till two hours after 3 (when school ends) meaning you will be getting on at 5. I get...
Okay, I have a bit of a problem here. My problem is that I cant actually access google searches on GOOGLE Chrome. I go to google.com only to have this pop up: I can still access other google based things like google/translate, google/maps, youtube, bla. So is it google or my computer? Because I can access it on Internet Explorer without a problem (I just don't feel like switching back to IE.) Has anybody else had this problem? Any solutions that preferably don't involve switching browsers? Thank you for your time and effort :) Obviously I use google chrome, I run windows XP pro, 32 bit java (if that even matters), and yea. Any other needed info just ask :)
lol Tell you what, an eye for an eye, a vid for a vid XD You may like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T-g3uoBHIg&feature=fvwrel
lol Kay, what happens?
lol Thats fine. Reason I ask is because I was hopeing that once we got the story set up and more concrete, maybe we could do a type of storyboard....
I dunno, you could have a scanner at one house and not the other lol
Actually yes, a way to get FF summon models, a working PM system, a dictionary password attack would be lovely, I need to find FF ISO's, a pin,...
Met N, Teipig is level 11, I got a pansage (probably going to be HM slave. once I get some that is lol), and in the dreamyard :) Spoiler Spoiler Sorry for slow progress, school and semi work, stuff lol.
D: Sadface. How did I miss something as awesome as you? lol I am good, how are you? :)
Ah, oh well. Thanks anyways :)
May I bother you with a question? Or a favor rather. Shouldn't be too hard if you wouldn't mind. :) [SPOILER]
I an having some overlapping problems from the look of it. My problems going from minor to kinda big: A random Cc appears on profile pages. (The green save movie file is my computer, not the cite) Spoiler Some letters appear on the home page. Spoiler Things overlap on control panel Spoiler I cant respond to a person when looking at the conversation, I have to respond on their profile page (again, ignore the save movie file) Spoiler And finally what I see as the biggest issue, I can't send PM's. The subject bar is covered up and I cant click it to add a title. Without a title, I cant send :/ Spoiler Thank you for your time and effort, I use google chrome, windows XP professional, and I use the KHV4.0 final mix skin. :)
lol You were. Like way back at the start, shortly after I hired you and Star for beta testing. I told you how star couldn't think of anything and...
Reason I ask is because I was hoping that once you got your story all together maybe we could do a kind of storyboard type deal. If your sister is...
Quick question. Do you have access to a scanner? Also, random fact. I have nearly five hundred thousand files on my computer. ITS OVER...