lol its not that she said no, there is just a snowball's chance in hell she will let me have a weapon XD She wont even let me have a paintball gun...
lol If I could have it I would love it XD
Well, as a child I had a fear of spiders. And bees. Insects in general, but spider was the worst and bee was a close second. Oh god, the memories XD This one kid in my class a few years ago brought a dead Amazonian spider in a glass case and was talking about how it ate birds. My god, I was having a bit of a panic attack in the corner lol. If I could have climbed the wall to be even a few inches farther, I would have lol. However after that incident I seemed to have been cured of my fear lol. And Bees I just grew out of. For the most part, I am fine now.... Just don't touch me.... XD As for now, nothing I am deathly afraid of, except heights. Not all that comfortable high up lol. Then again, I guess its not being high up that bothers me, its more of the fact you fall you will probably die XD (and how funny, I have laughed at the thought of fear 7 times by this pint XD Aren't I arrogant? lol)
lol Fair enough. Since you answered my question, I was on at school lol on the computer. THE MAN CAN'T KEEP MEH DOWN! :D
Hey! I asked you first! XD
lol What are you doing on? No school or something?
Awww yea! Not alone! But I see no guilt in liking disco. I guess mine is.... Well, I actually don't feel guilt for doing what I enjoy, but I guess I enjoy being geeky XD I love computers, hacking, showing off. Yea. Being a geek XD
Hallo my good friend :D Turn on teamviewer and we can begin.
lol What I meant was what job you wanted to do lol. But I see, you would like to do concept art. A fine choice :) Currently the head of concept...
Dude! Guess what? I found a way around the ISO not working! You can get it to work using three easy steps! 1. Go to my user page 2. post the...
You remember waaaay back when I told you to copy and paste the ISO into the KH2FM folder rather than cut and paste? If you have not deleted it,...
Huh. Could have been an error in the extracting of the ISO. I guess try saving and loading up with the unpatched iso. Maybe it was something with...
*dawns glasses and usb lanyard* Yea? In what? What is it? I loves me some glitches! :D
Oh my god, you know me so well T.T Okay, fine. Back to pokemon and then finish kh2fm XD
Password? :)
You need to turn on the program first :)
1 yeas, 2 yes I am, and 3 not sure how well it will work out, will probably lag. But what the hey, I will give it a shot XD Just tell me what keys...
Wonder how long till a terabyte of data is on the standard crappy ass USB compared to today's 1 gig crappy USB XD
lol Its funny how one gig storage used to mean having something the size of a fridge hooked up to your computer lol.