Bah, sorry for bad timing, but speaking of school, I got it tomorrow and got to go to bed lol. I will try and catch you later :) Peace man.
Homework, schoolwork, projects, essays, life, just stuff lol. Why you never get homework?
lol Yea, that's school for ya. But oh well. Only a month and a half left lol. Then I have summer off :D
Sweet news :) I have not been doing much minecraft lately. School and semi work stuff in the way lol. However the other day I snuck some minecraft...
Hey, I have been pretty good myself, you? :)
lol Yea. Us speaking of porn XD That would have been so awkward with your mother, father, and sister in the room XD
Umm.... More like life threatening XD As I told you I was helping move the TV. We had to replace the one we had, it was making noises. Did you...
I guess its up to you. He seems to want to leave, I dunno whats keeping him to be honest. Not that I am kicking him out, but I ain't holding him...
lol I know! So glad I subscribed to them! :D
I dunno, maintenance maybe. Try again later, wouldn't be the first time :)
lol We will see about that.
[IMG] I haven't checked the bay. Why, whats it say?
e will send you a screen shot in a sec. What game are you getting anyways? Be warned, you will most likely have the same voice problem lol.
lol So, why the sudden change in plans? XD
Yup. The voice is just a format problem, The psp is perfectly happy with the format, Jpcpc doesn't know what to do with it XD So its there, same...
For you it does, for me I get to play with a 3ds :3
Yes, I have an answer for that too. I phucked with the settings a bit and got a different message. It tells me to run it through my psp to have it...
lol Kay, thanks for the heads up :) I have found the source of our voice problem too lol.
Agreed. Imma let you have a head start, I want food XD
lol He just saw the Ryguy. Which one of us do you think will break him? lol