lol I will see what I can do. It can probably be done using a true'false statement. if HP is less than or equal to "bla", attack+ equals true....
I think I got it. Somewhat complicated, but I think I get it. You want the blue warp thing to be the part that goes around the handle (The hand...
Lol How did you describe it?
Sweet :D I cant wait to see what she comes up with :D
lol Kay. I guess that gives me time to figure one out XD
In that case we need a key logger. Then just get her to type int the password and viola.
Okay, go back to your C drive. Open your C drive and go to Perflogs then into the admin folder. The file directory will say "Computer> Local Disc...
Okay, open the start menu and open computer. open your C drive and open the users folder :) The file directory on top should say "Computer> Local...
Uno momento while I start up my machine lol. Its just a matter of adding a shortcut to admin folder. Ever since I did that it stopped bugging me...
I know how to make you an admin :D Or at least I believe I know how to. I managed to make myself admin on my windows 7 lol
lol is this before or after the virus? Also, sorry for the late response, Ryguy on skype lol.
lol You cant just get her pass? Or better yet make yourself admin? lol
You want to take a look now? Not a problema my friend! How do you want me to send the files? Teamviewer? Skype? Take your pick!
Never heard of it. That normally tells me its crappy XD But meh. I use, suggest, and love AVG. Another good one (even though I dislike it >.>) is...
Oh, a biggie. Seeing as how you wiped your hard drive, do NOT forget antivirus XD lol What do you use anyways?
Huh. Well whatever it was, I do not suggest doing it again XD
lol Kay. Ryan just wanted me to check XD So, any idea what caused the virus in the first place? :o
lol Yea. In a way. I will PM you more XD lol Then whatever gets the message across the best. From what I have seen, aqua can probably do it lol....
LOL I kinda meant get one of our concept artists, or your sis to draw it. Or photoshop is just as good lol :) And I could facepalm right about...