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  1. Sara
    It's good to be back, being honest.
    Profile Post Comment by Sara, May 21, 2013
  2. Sara
    I saw one on Angry Video Game Nerd all about glitches.

    But I do remember one where I walked into a store at Fallout 3 and fell through the floor into a swamp-like area.

    Does anyone remember missing no. from the original pokemon series? Or is that a glitch more than a bug?
    Post by: Sara, May 21, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  3. Sara
    I know the mods are probably going to hate me at the end of this week. But I'm still going to do this legitimately.
    Post by: Sara, May 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Sara
    I do have to agree with you on that, Below...

    I mean, Kairi having a keyblade kinda was a downer for me on a person with a strong heart only being able to wield the keyblade. Kairi just can't fight, and maybe it's changed, but she just doesn't seem as strong as a character as Riku and Sora.

    As for the wooden sword argument: Sora did get stronger on his journey. Hell, when he was on the island unless you leveled up to 9 and through a lot of luck, you couldn't beat Riku. But in Hollow Bastion with the keyblade you could beat him, but it took all that time of work and development to get that far. Sora said it himself at one point in Hollow Bastion, he didn't need the keyblade, he just needed the strength in his heart. And I'm probably misquoting that because it's been ages since I played Kingdom Hearts.
    Post by: Sara, May 21, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. Sara
    True, but at the same time, Square might be reluctant of Microsoft approaches them first and offers them a really sweet deal. They want to sell their own product and unless in the contract it states otherwise, which I doubt since Nintendo has had games from the KH franchise also that they can sell on both. Microsoft could see this as a massive advantage for them to have part of the profit if there's only people with Xbox who don't want to get a PS4.

    If they offer Square enough, they'll take it. It might be one of the reasons they're holding out is for a bidding war between the two even to see who would get them the best deal. I can definitely see it going on both and the sales going nuts because of it. Though Sony would never want to see that happen and will try to stop it.
    Post by: Sara, May 21, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Sara
    I would have to say my favorite was Riku with Hikairi being a close second.
    Post by: Sara, May 21, 2013 in forum: Music
  7. Sara
    Actually, I liked Kingdom Hearts the first one the most.

    I just like the old, rough and ragged keyblades compared to the new ones. Ones that looked like they were forged out of pure metal and twisted with flames. But that's just me.
    Post by: Sara, May 21, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Sara
    I loved Sonic the Hedgehog while growing up. I was a huge fan and still have a massive collection somewhere. I also bought Knuckles the Echidna and all the mini-series that came out. Archie comics series, btw. I stopped reading when it got weird around 175 or so, though. Like the games, it just seemed way too odd and not part of the universe anymore.
    Post by: Sara, May 20, 2013 in forum: Literature
  9. Sara
    I would say the hardest one to beat for me in KHII not FM+ since I never played it wold be Xigbar. Overall hardest would either be probably Xenmas and/or Dualwielding Roxas. Maybe Axel/Saix since they seem a powerhouse in their own right.
    Post by: Sara, May 20, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Sara
    I'm glad I'm not in Japan, then...

    Though maybe if I was I'd already be premium. lolz...
    Post by: Sara, May 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Sara

    I would have to say the original Kingdom Hearts opening with the Kingdom Hearts II a second. Kingdom Hearts opening had a ton of symbolism and foreshadowing. It started showing the close friendship Sora, Riku and Kairi had for each other and showed hints of what was going to come not only in this game, but the games coming up afterwards. Like Sora falling from the sky towards the water which happens in Kingdom Hearts II. Actually, if you watch the trailer after the start screen the words said is shown on Kairi's letter to Sora in KHII.

    Kingdom Hearts II despite having it's "moments", like the close-up to Kairi's chest. It really did wrap up the storyline nicely of what happened in Kingdom Hearts I and CoM. The music was okay, but I like Simple and Clean a lot better but that's my own tastes.
    Post by: Sara, May 20, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Sara
    I can see it actually spreading to the Xbox. I mean, Final Fantasy XIII did. It would be nice if it did, mainly because I'm still torn on which system to get and it'd save me a helluva lot of money if they were on both systems and I had only one system. It would help a lot of other people too and boost sales. At least in my opinion.
    Post by: Sara, May 20, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Sara
    After thinking about it, I think it is Riku. He gave a lot more to help save her and cared for her deeply. True, Sora stabbed himself in the chest and became a heartless, but Riku gave up everything in the process to try and save Kairi. At the end, it even trapped him in Kingdom Hearts when he tried to save his friends.
    Post by: Sara, May 20, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. Sara
    My mom is going through a very hard time. My grandmother is getting very old and is starting to show signs of her getting ready for death. She's mostly stopped eating and taking care of herself. My mom spends a lot of the time on the phone bugging her to eat. It's especially getting harder and harder for her to see my grandmother like this and my grandmother is starting to resent the treatment my mom is giving her.

    The thing is: My grandmother got the flu this winter. She was actually in a coma about the beginning of this year. She laid down on the floor and passed out. My mom dropped everything when she couldn't reach her and drove three hours to her house and brought her back from deaths door. It took her three weeks to recover and at five four at the lightest she weighed was about eighty pounds those three weeks. She has been nursing her every two weeks or so since then because she has to work and can only go on weekends. She also needs some breaks to be able to get enough sleep for the trips as it's extremely draining for her to go there.

    The thing is: She still regrets to this day that she went to her house and brought her from death. She hates the fact her mother is going to die enough to not let her die in her sleep, but she told me personally a few days ago she hopes that she dies in her sleep instead of starving to death which my grandmother is basically now doing. I know it's not fully euthanasia, but if she dies starving to death my mom is always going to blame herself for not letting her die when she had the flu and peacefully.

    I know it's very hard to let a loved one die. Especially when you are as close as my mom is to my grandmother. She tells me at least twice a week she doesn't know what will happen when she dies. I don't know how to put it, but I think honestly it's better to let a loved one go when they're getting older and dying like my grandmother was peacefully than making her suffer and forcing them against their will to live longer to ease your own pain. Especially when it brings resentment from the person you're trying to keep alive enough so they die hating you. She's at the age where she can't fully understand what's going on anymore and can't make the choice on if it was legal she could be euthanized. When the person can't decide and will die peacefully and/or is showing signs that they want to die and will die painfully, disease or not, I think that the choice should be euthanasia.
    Post by: Sara, May 20, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  15. Sara
    EDIT: You're right Hayabasa, I asked Plum to merge the two. It's been too damned long since I left. >< Thanks for pointing it out. Thanks Misty for letting me know.

    I love Meteora, especially Numb, Somewhere I Belong, and Faint.
    Post by: Sara, May 20, 2013 in forum: Music
  16. Sara
    Tornadoes are scary things to go through. I thank God at moments like this I don't live in tornado country. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families. I am not trying to sound mean or anything, but wouldn't they have tornado shelters to go into? I know Oklahoma is huge tornado country. Or did they get caught by surprise?

    I hope one day we'll be able to more accurately predict tornadoes and the path they take.
    Post by: Sara, May 20, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  17. Sara
    Getting there, about eighty to go. =3
    Post by: Sara, May 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Sara
    WARNING: This might get a bit graphic, just to warn people.

    I have been watching Animal Cops when I can, and a lot of the cases they take on are animal hoarding cases. They call it an illness that is hard to cure, but I've heard other people say it's animal abuse. So I'm curious what people think it is: Abuse or illness?

    For people who don't know, animal hoarding is where a person or people take in more animals than they can take care of and don't find them homes when they're overwhelmed. Most animals aren't fixed and breed which causes more problems. This leads to a lot of diseases and very unsanitary conditions for both the animals and the owners. This also leads to starvation for a lot of animals.

    I have seen a lot of this happening on the show, and I'm torn between the two. I know a lot of people get attached to pets. Having a cat of my own, it'd kill me to ever get rid of him. If I had to get rid of him would I? Yes, I would. I already have plans set for in case this happens. I also know that my limit is my cat right now and I can't get another pet no matter how cute I see other animals.

    I have seen these people claim on loving the animal and that they take care of them. They hold them and carry them and cry when they get rid of them. I know they think they love the animal, but at the same time, I can't ever imagine not realizing you can't feed an animal and still keeping it. I've heard of cases where hoarders have bags of food for their animals out of reach though I've never seen one case myself like that. So I don't fully know.
    Thread by: Sara, May 20, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  19. Sara
    I gotta pre-order mine. I want to get the art book. That and it has the games that I want to play with my mom on them. Not including the Final Mix scenes. Geez, there's a lot on this I'm looking forward to. I was hoping it was coming out before October, looks like my hopes have been answered. (We might go to the Disney event in October so I'm showing my mom Kingdom Hearts beforehand, but I don't have COM anymore, nor the remake.)
    Post by: Sara, May 20, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Sara
    They were...

    We spent most of the week before the other members came fixing any problems we found and making sure the staff knew how the site worked and that they knew how to use the board.

    Moving day was still hell though despite all the preparation, I still love the members patience when we were running around like maniacs fixing all the problems. One of the reasons I like the members: During a crisis they really step back and let the staff try and fix it. Not every forum is like that, though it might've changed since I retired.
    Post by: Sara, May 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone