Thanks, Below... I think the first order of business is to bring my brain back to life after spending all day posting seventy posts. It is FRIED!!!!
Hmm.... Can I think about it? I really haven't changed it but I don't know what to change it to. Thank you for the offer.
FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- KABOOM!!!!!!!!!!1 Eh... That's not so bad...*sips tea*
Thanks... IT feels GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
Since I was admin before, I kinda know... But it'd be nice to have color back on my name. :p Even though i'll be a lower class. *shot* How long does that take? *she asks with trepidation in her voice*
I'M AT 1000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! *dances*
I just hope it's a dip in the series and it'll pull itself up over time soon. I mean, when Final Fantasy was made, the game was going to be the final game for the company. Hence the title, it became a trademark and a unforgettable series instead that helped them bloom into way more branches. Hell, we wouldn't have had Kingdom Hearts if Final Fantasy was made. I hope whatever has happened to them with XII and XIII it will improve over time and it'll go back to the glory days it used to have when VI and VII hit the shelves and their dominance in PS1 returns.
That's really sad, Stardust... Maybe there'll be a charity that comes out of this. At times like this I thank God that I only have to worry about blizzards and once in a very short while hurricanes. I live in Maine so the biggest news weatherwise we've had was a 3.6 earthquake we had this year. I pray that the families are okay and things change from this to make it better for families before it happens again.
I used to collect Sonic the Hedgehog comics and video games. I had my SNES for ages before I sold it and still have my Genesis and Sonic games along with Ecco the Dolphin 1 and 2. I actually collect model horses now. I enjoy looking at them and keeping them on my shelf in my room. I have a ton of them, more than I really should have as I'm running out of room for them, but I always get the holiday horses and the rare models when I can.
I would have to say fighting Sephiroth the first time in KHII, and I just got hit by Sin Harvest with one hp left and no MP and while I was frantically going for an Elixer I spotted it half a second before it happened that it was time to press the triangle button. I just barely managed to press it and I had half a bar left of HP. I actually paused to catch my breath after that. That and when playing Pokemon I was on the Elite Four going against Lance and down to my last pokemon's HP against one of his Dragonites. I had an ice type and he ordered fire blast, it missed and my hit struck finishing the fight.
I would have to say Kingdom Hearts I, the arena was pretty small in one and I never really got a chance to get close to him to land a blow. In Kingdom Hearts II, he was still hard as hell, but you could press a button and block one of his most devastating attacks. You also had more time to recover and more space to run from him. I never beat him in Kingdom Hearts, but after a lot of practice I managed to beat him and then easily the second time.
I would have to say Beast. Overall he he was a huge help in Hollow Bastion, though Peter Pan is a close second with his abilities. Both are pretty close for me, but Beast wins just a bit because I depended on him heavily in Hollow Bastion when I didn't have the keyblade.
I would have to say Hollow Bastion because of the atmosphere and the creepy factor. I mean, it's the second world not including Destiny Islands that's original and they really bring their creativity and darkness up a notch in this world to show it as foreboding and dangerous before you even get far into the world. The second one I would have to say Traverse Town because it gives you a feeling no matter what happens to you, you always have a home to go to and be safe. Even if it's just one district of three and the only hotel is overrun by heartless. The one the least, I would have to say the Colliseum. It really wasn't that enjoyable for me and wasn't that fun. Monstro is a very close second for the frigging maze and puzzles that are in it.
I don't know, I was thinking it'd be cool to have a bit more Final Fantasy. A world actually based on a Final Fantasy game I thought would be fun. It doesn't have to have the same plotline as the original games or sequels. But recently I've been more "eh" about this because Disney is more well-known to the massive audience. The Final Fantasy characters rarely talk about their past in the games from what I've played so to someone who's never played Final Fantasy before, they seem more like original characters than characters from other video games. But that's just my thoughts on it.
It could be that, there are tons of hints of what's to come later on in the series from the intro alone. It could be just another way to get the person interested in the storyline for that world also. I think it's up to interpretation of the player.
THERE'S NINE LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!
Would you be excited if there was a co-op? Maybe a choice on the second player? If so, what would you like to it to be and why? I would 100% like this to happen. I think it'd be fun to play as a different character and do co-op with someone else other than a party member which can happen since the hardware has expanded a lot since the PS2 era. I would personally like Terra and Riku to be the co-op because they're my favorites.
My first initial reaction to your post was: But it's the same as Mickey's. Then I realized that you're right, they wouldn't have known it would've looked like that. You have a point about it still being new, maybe they also wanted to leave it out until Sora actually got the keyblade and explained the concept of it also. My mom had no clue about it until that scene at least.
I would love to play as Riku's POV for the first Kingdom Hearts game. I would pay another sixty dollars for a game like that right now. I always love different POV games. Hell, just fighting Sora as a different character would be nice for once.
The Darkballs always really freaked me out. Especially at End of the World when it was pitch black and you could barely see them. The Defenders also because of how frigging hard they were to beat.