SQEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! >_> I like your user name XD Anyways. Welcome to the forum pm/IM me if you need any help.
Bricks in my pants O.o -Changes- Rooftops in my pants O.O
I am not gonna change it, it just that its isn't unique. My cousin is the same age and has the same EXACT name as me.
Me I'd say DBZ because my brother watched it. My first real one was "Pokemon" though.
*gasp* XD I dont like my name , its Amanda :P
Art and lunch. XD Oh and Study Hall.
"face down" by "The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus"
http://youtube.com/watch?v=-fVDGu82FeQ blood ^_^ (It is really cute) (doesn't involve any blood) (kawawii little boy)
Kid: Are you emo? Me: I am not a type of music Kid: ...... Yeah...Kids are so mean nowadays. They outcast people because the dress different , belive in diffrent things , or listen to diffrent music and what they don't know is that , that one person can be really nice.
I am 12 ^_^ I know it seems immature but we were just joking around and I was babysitting. My little cousin was the tree with a baseballbat then I told him that wasn't nice so he hugged it. XD Today: I just woke because my dog was snoring
Er... I went to my cosuins (7, 2, and 9 yrs) We played ninja and I got hit with PVC pipe my little cousin was swing around , then we ran around and hugged trees.
Mood: Emo Reason: Friends being stupid Song: Rooftops - LOst Prophets
Its nice but I like the darker one better.
ERmmm "Broken hearts and Torn up Letters the story of a lonely girl"
12 going on 3 >_> I'll 13 in like *counts on fingers* 2 months.
Well, yesterday me and Misty we shocking each other (with static) and we both shocked each other at the same time and it hurt and we scream and got yelled at. (most of the kids weren't there: flied trip)
I tried that too didn't do anything We need help with the light sensor this is what we have to do(I am in Misty class/ team thingy-ma-bob): We have to clear soda cans out of a circle, But the circle is out lined by black and when the light sensor hit that it needs to back up and turn.
*covers mouth with hand in amazement* Misty cursed! >_> <_< I am home alone all the time and my house Is over 100 years old and a guy died in it >_> SCARY. Meh. I should have never watch "IT" I am so stupid;I am TERRIFYED of clowns.
Try having you brother try to break you arm. because you just poked him once and then your mom not believing you.