Sixth level - City of Dis. Cause I'm a Heretic.
When they switched from Cellphone to PSP, they realized they could use Crisis Core's basic system for the game, so they did. Saves a lot of time, and looks decent.
Wow this game is ridiculously old. I remember playing through this in mid 2005. For **** who can't do it.
**** year Makoto get. :v Edit: What the fffffffff-Giovanni.
Athi-tards is an oxymoron.
Clearly shooped. ...right?
I started crying. Hold me.
Roxas .
Mmm, I drew everything, and then scanned the cover and spruced it up in Photoshop. Thanks guys. This is an actual cover for his album though, which he'll be releasing at the end of the month. Haven't listened to any of it myself, but I'm sure it's decent.
[youtube = The code for the video] The code for the Video again [/youtube]
It's not technically finished. But this is basically it. Cnc if you want, but I won't be changing it.
Lovely contribution there TBK. Wonderful sig, Misty. As far as Cnc is concerned, move the text nearer to the focal point, which, I'm assuming is the massively contrasted blast of fire coming out of her hand. Also, add JUST a bit of black on the far left side, near the edges or the corners. It'll give the sig a nice little frame.
Well, Troll's successful. Parties over guys, time to head home.
Well you're a stupid dicknose. I hate you. I wanna go live with Dad.
I had to have gotten points for a Scary Movie 2 reference.
KHV died a long time ago. This is just gas being released.
Seriously, my Pussy's gone crazy.
Honestly, these laws and regulations suggested, they really sound like the beginning of the situation in China. Where they have 10 people per square foot, and if a Family has any more then 2 children, they kill the extra ones.
I'm an Atheist. That basically answers every question.