Time force was the last season I watched as a child. XD And because power rangers happened to of popped up, has any one seen Linkara's history of power ranger video sereis? http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/linkara/hopr
I think I'll stick with the original thank you very much. =P [video=youtube;UgQhyquS9Ms]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgQhyquS9Ms[/video]
Being on here, off and on, for over 4 years does nothing to one's psyche. =P ...but weird things have often come into mind when I think of these forums. =/
Changing my avy and sig would take effort. =P Edit: Of course I could mess around with this image if you think I should change. XD Spoiler
Ah, so I am (sort of) remembered. =O
Simple, I haven't been on here in ages thus causing my mind to degrade into mush. Me being on youtube all the time doesn't help either. XD
Ok...since you tried to hard to figure it out... The secret is... Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Ok...fine.... the secret is stuff...told you it was nothing. =P Srsly....It's nothing.... Nothing...
Ah, rat... Now I (sort) of remember. =P
I saw the first episode and said "meh" ...haven't watched it since.
It's been ages, can you throw in some past usernames you once used? XD
People are still arguing about this stuff?...
I would recommend One Piece. It has a nice mix of action, adventure, comedy, drama, and other qualities I can't think of at the momment. XD It's a long running series though... If you begin to watch and still don't like it after the first 40 eps, then I don't think this would be a series for you. =/
I've recently tried this game out and its not that bad. ...I really haven't gave it much of my time though. XD I got bored the other day and uploaded some gameplay of it if anyone is interested. ;D Spoiler [video=youtube;-JUpO2foE1Y]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JUpO2foE1Y[/video]
I never said I hated it, I freakin love One Piece. I just want to see more of what they can do, the little bits that they have showed off has me wanting to see more. XD
Yeah...that would take you a while to catch up. XD Especially when One Piece pulled a Shippuden on everyone. X_X Spoiler
One Piece never ceases to amaze me, the newest ep was really good. Can't wait to see the next couple of episodes though, things are about to get even crazier if you haven't read the manga. ;D
Ah One Piece, the only anime/manga I know of that can make someone cry over a boat... ...and I admit it, I got teary eyed after I first watched that episode. X_X
Oh yeah, even though I've never seen this one... 28 Days Later Edit: Never mind... Dragonball Evolution *sucks -_-*