Awesome, a site in maintenance, how thoughtful. Edit: Now it works, interesting site...
I've seen 20 of these anime. I've meant to watch a couple more of these on that list, but I've been lazy about it.
Also considering that I've heard that it will only add about 2 hours of game play.
The invaders are expelled from our planet and the end cliff hangs revealing the main protagonist's sister could still be alive.
I too recently just started watching Doctor Who. It's such an amusing show. I'd watch more if I had more time.
So I take it I'm not the only one who disappears and reappears (often?)?
DLC trailer is finally out. [video=youtube;7N3t0jjOz3g][/video]
In the end, you get to choose between 3 different colors of explosions. After idea actually.
The moon is destroyed and thus the world is saved.
In my opinion they should have a mix of old and new. Some to appeal new fans and some old for the old fans. Only having new content would only alienate the older fans.
I had pack of wild turkeys roam around my backyard. The funny thing about that was that it was in November.
Dare I suggest Funimation One Piece?
Thanks, took me 2 seconds to make. XD
Wish granted...
Minecraft huh, haven't played it in a while.
Legion ...I wonder where that idea came from?
What's a friend?
I've always wondered how the end of the world would look like, can't wait!
One Piece The only anime/manga that will ever make someone shed a tear for a ship.
I'm never on here long enough to care about changing it. I remember the last time I tried to change it people freaked. XD At this point, you can turn it into a guessing game on when I will randomly appear. XD