Letz bwast PRESIDNT LINKEN!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU37MxAOJpk
Guys it's Rule 34 of the internetz.
LOL WUT? filrz
Hav u evr playd Marioh? It's de nam of Bowsirs menyuns. XD
This Koopa is cuter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26TIFnFslcU
Your welcome : )
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WntFWNHkjEE ***!!!!!!!!
Why'd you close it down?I was getting more people.
I LOL'D! fillerz
Try mines ......
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
Link the new Michael Jackson except he's into older women :3
DAMNIT Get OUT OF MY MY BROTHER'S CLOSET!!!!!!! *is using brother's laptop*
It's Over Nine ****ing Thousaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnddddd!!!!!!!!!
Epic fail not worth metioning in a thread.
Balls 2 that
You seriously don't know what a sitcom is?Don't you have cable or something?
Xaldin,a convicted felon?!For shame Xaldin,may you drop the soap and be friends with a big black guy named Bubba.
Ear rape. filler
I fixed it.