Xainkar Looked around at X then teleported to halloween town to acsess the situation
Xainkar walks through the forest to about the mission thinking soon i will tell them what there next target is that new girl she reminds me of someone from the old world i lived in but i can't remember who......... Xainkar teleports back to the castle and writes a note in the entrance hall on a huge sticky note "your next target is the deep jungle world this will be harder than the last one"
squall walks around with his gunblade across his shoulder and says "whats going on why am i here"
Xainkar looks up at the sunset too then he jumps off the tower and lands on the ground easily "I will be back later i am going to the mansion"
Xainkar gives her the bowl and says "you remind me of someone i knew before i became a nobody a long time ago"
Xainkar apears next to phisoxa on the clock tower holding two bowls of ramen "want some?" he said
Xainkar walks up to "Takarnax hey good job the queen is dead so this world is ours yah come on any one that wants to go to twilight town ramens on me tonight good job" "you all did really good" Xainkar opens a portal to twilight town and goes to the ramen stand
Xainkar goes up to phisoxa puting a hand on her shoulder "you did a really good job" he says blushing slightly then a tremor shoots through the ground "they found the key hole lets go meet them phisoxa "
Xainkar Does a ninja jump up to her plate form and with his kusari-gama he hit her in the arms then he did a dark blast then more cards appeared "i will take the guards you finish her off"
Xainkar laughs at Phisoxa and says "wonder where she is" The queen then steped out of the castle saying Who dares desturb by castle guards kill them! xainkar says "wow what a ***** phisoxa, Xajita" take care of her
"Xajita your with me and phisoxa we are going to go kill the queen of wonderland" said xainkar walking up to the castle of wonderland looking for the queen
Xainkar finishes the cards off by throwing a beam of energy up in the air and balls of darkness came down bombing the cards "lets go find this Queen"
Xainkar slices through the cards with his sickle and crushes another in the chain "take care of the rest phisoxa should be good training"
ok me and phisoxa go find the queen and Takarnax nebx search for the keyhole Tynoxahn can choose either since he is still kinda new Xainkar aproached the castle when a bunch of cards started attacking him and phisoxa
they all step through the portal into the forest of wonder land "alright who wants to come with me to help kill the monarch" "The rest of you search for the key hole with Takarnax" Xainkar walked through the opening to the castle and looked around
"hey we have enough people now we are going to attack wonderland" said xainkar
occ yah just us three are on yah and nebx
Xainkar said "i will tag along for part of the way" occ no ones on
yes to wonder land i have to go now i will be back later" said xainkar
Opens the portal to wonderland "this is as easy as it gets don't fail reach the key hole Takarnax and use your keyblade to turn the world into a kind of nobody by riping out its heart"