Xainkar got up his power returning with his senses refocused he quickly noticed some one under the desk "who is there"
occ nope this is my room design and non of us know what the real room of sleep does any way Kinara walked around a white haze he looked around "where am i" he said looking through the fog he felt memories go by him and he sat down thinking what happened Xainkar then woke up inside the machine and got out his eyes unfocused he stumbled and fond that he was incredibly weak "so that is what it is like ....... to feel"
In the bottom floor of the castle Xainkar had built a complex machine that would temporaily allow him to feel through the core of the world while he was inside of it and it put him in a dream like state he jumped in the champer and fell asleep
occ again: and i know we are going to have an issue with this already but Original element too NOT any of the following: Sound Explosions Darkness Time Metal Neon Electricity Existence Space Plant life Force wind He ate the papuo again and looked at Xajita "i guess i feel better now but empty i will see you later i gota think some things over in the "room of dreams" he then teleported away to the castles bottom floor
occ sighs sorry Zanox can you please not be a keyblade weilder original weapons are better and keep in mind we are org. members not knights Xainkar puts his hand out and gives the papou to xajita "sorry it better not work on nobodies or i will burn all the papou trees in the world"
lol i will be cloud he has plenty of issues
"what do you mean or else i get!" sick he looks around "maybe i can get a fish to eat it or something or are there any surfer babs around!" said xainkar looking around
"not sharing it with anybody now i know what a evil hunk of fruit it is stupid love fruit" says xainkar angrily "stupid star fruit"
Xainkar then spits out the fruit feeling sick "does any one know if nobodies can have food alergies" he said kneeling down to the water being sick
Xainkar said "what do you mean love fruit i thought i was just sopposed to look like a star!" he said "well it still tastes pretty good and besides i am a nobody not like that stuff works on us"
"I was here about 10 minutes" said xainkar breaking off part of the paupo and biting it " Xainkar looked around then said "this is one of the strangest things i have ever eaten! you want the rest Xajita or how bout you phisoxa"
"you alright xajita?" said xainkar he said jumping down from the pom tree holding a papou fruit "I wonder what these taste like any one want part of it?"
Xainkar who had teleported from the basement sencing Xajita sat on a pom tree and called down to her "you know its not good if random people wearing black coats mug you think what it does to our reputation" occ i forgot to clear this up earlier with you but this takes place prolly 3 years by now after kh 2
farrow looked around "now what happens?"
after the heartless were gone Xainkar started to focus his energy in medition and he was slowly lifted off the ground while he was meditaing his thoughts wandered through various things and he wondered "will i always be nothing? I wonder if anyone could every care about a nothing like me" occ the supior is going to be mad we wasted like three pages doing nothing at all
Xainkar goes down to the training room and starts lifting huge weighs that are twice the size of his body then he summons heartless and starts beating them up with his weapon occ i keep getting killed by marluxia too :( i need more zero cards
Xainkar looks over at the screen then smiles "naruto! he says droping his manga and going over to the couch to stare at the screen with big eyes.......then after about half an hour of naruto Xainkar says "i am going to train some more any one can come with me if they want i will be on basement floor 5
xainkar ran up to myrrh saying "huh what happened oh just you trying to cook again sighs man that stinks"
Xainkar was bored so he started using his powers to throw up a ball of energy in the air then have it fly around the room then back down to his hand *yawn* "bored" said xainkar looking around for someone to talk to
Xainkar teleported back in the castle reading naruto he looked up "when ever you guys are ready we are going to the deep jungle"