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  1. darkriku
    Xainkar slid down the vines and landed onto a log "alright it is going to take some time down here to find the key hole I have buissness else where and i will check in on you guys in a bit i have to go see the remains of a dead hunter"
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. darkriku
    occ its ok

    "and one more thing if you ever try to hack into MY computer again there will be consecences" said xainkar he steped through the portal into the dense jungle
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. darkriku
    "that is quite a theroey Ximlan but the truth is much simplier" said xainkar appearing next to them so silently almost no one noticed "X is still recovering from last night he is still injured but he may yet join us" said xainkar pulling down his hood "we go to the jungle now" he opened a portal
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. darkriku
    "you will go in one hour i will be prepared by then" said xainkar "X is to assist you also if you find him that is all i will be in my chamers til then" xainkar warped off into his room
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. darkriku
    Xainkar entered the hall way with ximlan and Takarnax they could both feel the darkness radiating from his body he looked around at them "you leave for the jungle soon be ready"
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. darkriku
    Xainkar looks around at X who was next to him "why should we show mercy to those weaker than us, they would not give it to us if our places were exchanged the world cares nothing for us nobodies so we shall conquer every thing and any one that stands in our way shall join us" Xainkar grabed X's bandaged head and shot energy into the eye shockets then threw him against the wall after a while he said "I ....... am sorry i don't know what came over me you guys will continue the mission I will catch up to you guys later"
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. darkriku
    occ: Naw i gota go and i would like to save the fight til the very end of the story when we are almost done and have reached our goals would like the fight today to be more of a fluke fight be back later going to play rogue galaxy
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. darkriku
    occ which version am i sopposed to reply to the X one or the Takarnax one they kinda intersect with eachother
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. darkriku
    occ: damn it i have a feeling at the end of this thread X will kill me :( oh well the fight is going to be kick ***

    Xainkar stoped and turned around "Well "hero" you do it then ..... but Takarnax will still have to get to the key hole i will be nice only kill things that get in your way that is your orders" Xainkar walked through the portal back into the computer lab
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. darkriku
    Insides xainkars mind: Xainkar rolles his eyes at their flirting thinking "first myrrh and nebx now you two soon enough i will be the only true nothing even the "tool" is better than i am

    Back in real life: "Takarnax you will get your chance to fight today when we go to the jungle that is the reason i intruded apon you two the jungle is much larger than wonderland and the enemies are stronger there also we will have to defeat an "ape man" that lives there I will be leaving you two now" Xainkar leaves them through a portal furious inside his head

    occ as i said xainkar has no luck with the chicks he going to be jeolous about this lol
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. darkriku
    'Yes X's power is very remarkable so is mine but how about yours what strenth lies hidden in you? I see the fire burning inside you ready to come up at any time and what about the supior as well we almost never see him in action on purpose he doesn't want us to know his strenths he is always ready for an attack" said xainkar looking up at the moon "What will happen when we have hearts we can never become who we were again i think we will still be us just with hearts but the question is will we still have our power?"
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. darkriku
    "I would have prefered you let them stay open i draw my power from the pain it is our only feeling but that isn't even real pain just the pain of emptyness" said doing the rest of the healing himself "you taste funny" xainkar said "I have been to see them a worthy oponent of the nobody I am still trying to figure out what they are could they be "the soul less" i have heard about still in solid form and having hearts but rotting away in the darkness" xainkar said his wounds all healed now "i have no hope for us" he sat down in one of the chairs

    "what will you do when you have your heart again?"
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. darkriku
    hahaha Xainkar laughs steping out from one of the chairs he had just teleported here with his hood over his face "you forgot X you showed me this place" blood spatted the ground where Xainkar walked he was breathing hard "so X are you going to throw me out again into a portal or am i "allowed" to be here " xainkar laughs again spitting out all the blood this time
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. darkriku
    occ nebx in relm of darkness go both zanxe or X

    Xainkar got up for the third time bleeding all of the origninal heartless he fought were gone but more kept coming "darkness wave" he shot out a dark colum killing more then he attacked with the kusari-gama killing several with one move
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. darkriku
    "If i want any chance of beating them I will have to reforge my weapon" xainkar looked down at the computer then pushed a button that started the synthesis forge he put the kusari-gama inside and after about two hours work the blades were bigger and gave off a dark blue glow the chain and the spiked ball again were also reforged "this is good but i still need more training" He summoned a portal to the dark relm and started to summon heartless that had died out thousands of years ago ...... forgoten heartless after a while he had managed to summon 8 of them "they don't look that tough" xainkar said but then with a flash of move ment he was hit with 8 swords and knocked on the ground "this should be fun" he said getting up and he began the real training
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. darkriku
    Xainkar looked at zanxe "its alright I am going down to train the question is where are those two going" pointing his thumb over his shoulder toward X and Takarnax. Xainkar then went down to the computer room and started pouring over calculations and data Xainkar wondered "can i trust them they are all nobodies and seem nice but what are they thinking?"
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. darkriku
    occ alright, alright all the kingdom hearts video games being in the same world was kind of funny at first but now it seems stupid no final fantasy or disney toons any thing else is fair game

    Xainkar similed at Takarnax "you can still be yourself in dreams right?" he said then hearing zanxe coming he mouthed the words "later" then xainkar picked up his naruto manga volume 4 and tried to look innocent
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. darkriku
    xainkar wispered "soon you too will meet your former self but with luck it won't hurt like X ......It worked for me"
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. darkriku
    Xainkar looked at X with a meaningful glance "not something i would like to descuss here" Xainkar looked around for any noobs "It was a kind of technacal accident I will inform you later at the meeting room, Takarnax but swear it never gets to the ears of our newer recruits not all of them can be trusted thats all i will say for now" said xainkar drinking more of his tea and then another peice of grapefruit
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. darkriku
    "i am fine X is still recovering from an .... acident yesterday" said xainkar yawning "and the supior ate myrrah's prank cooking so he has the trots :D "i on the other hand am fine this morning"
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home