occ i just realised that my charater now is one of the lowest i went from being from number 2- 15 or so
occ he will be back at the end he got his heart back and became evil
occ i donno i haven't read it all yet but i have a new charater
auronix walked through the wall his hood still hung over his mask "I soppose this is it soon i have to show myself to every one"
occ not nessicarily that depends on X;) Since no one is on i will be back later Auronex walked in the castle looking around "i am sopposed to be here this is where powerful nobodies go" he looked around again taking in the huge castle
occ do to your guys not far enough along to meet your goal and my going evil sooner than was expected i will probably be a new charater til the end Auronexia element: illusion weapon: A large crystal mirrior shield [capable of turning into other weapons] apearance org coat and with his hood always up and an old mask he wears Personality: a master mind in battle that knows how to play with his opponents head and get them cought in mind traps witty not too strong though but can imiate others abilities
Going with db that was really funny plus good fights and dbz still pretty good I HATE gt
leon started the train slashing at the targets he had made "i have a lot to keep up on i need to get stronger"
no has axel right Axel sat ontop of the clock tower watching them "Nothing ever happens here" he said jumping off the clock tower and landing on the ground "there's gota be a fight around here somewhere"
Squall decieded to check out the under ground water chamber he used to train in on his way he met mickey "hey...."
Kinara steped out of the machine and looked around "I have been asleep a long time maybe even dead .......... but i am reborn neither heartless nor nobody but both" Kinara's face was the same as xainkars but instead of long purple hair he had Black spikes in his and he no longer wore an orgaization coat he wore a long black and purple robe that had a heartless symbol in the front that was intersected with the nobody one His eyes were cold and dark "I can feel again"
"i am not one of you any more i am darkness I AM KINARA!!!!!!!!" then he was gone no longer belonging in the world of twilight and nothing occ if any one tries to do anything stupid with this they die in game fair warning
occ night all sorry for the drop off if you are acually paying attention to my story line or care Xainkar was ready he steped in the machine with the heart knowing he would never be the same again "My true name is .......K....in....ara.... Kinara?" he created a barrior around the machine no one could bother him til the proscess was done
Xainkar went down to his lab and started to test the heart he had found it definately was his heart or it used to be it responed to his thoughts and glowed when he acted like he felt but it was black and dark purple not the image of an normal heart "I wonder how could I restore my body and heart in one?" he began to look at a data scan of himself then the heart "the dream machine should work in theroy if i tweak it right to think i am so close to accually feeling" he then started to adjust the machine
occ yah nothing else much mostly because every one left so the mission kinda failed because every one left/ wasn't feeling good
xainkar started to run "i could try but he is imortal in his world and the dog must be having one big headache by now so think i better get out of here " he ducked into the portal angry "the mission was a failure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"myrrah might get her wish" xainkar called out the monster was stiring again but he hadn't done anything but hades had "you idiots messing around in MY world hades hair started to catch on fire "lets take both of them out" said xainkar summoning the kusari-gama he turned around to see xajita leaving "ahhh myrrah? Nebx might need some help......zanxe...... raxen anyone "
xainkar realised that his hand was on her shoulder and he quickly took it off "first the stupid paupo now this I am beinging go soft" he thought he turned away instantly abandoning his happy carefree atitude and became dark and sinister "either way i will end up with a heart before any of these fools get halfway done making htere kingdom hearts i am only a day or two away from unlocking the hearts secrets" but from some reason he kept thinking about xajita "stupid girl i can't get her out of my head i hope i was right about the paupo"
"yah"said Xainkar smiling "you are proved yourself strong" he said putting his arm on her shoulder "i am sorry about before i really am but we should go see what the others are doing" he laughed and said to xajita "I think you should keep nebx frozen he doesn't look half bad as a statue but i sopose your tired"
Xainkar apeared infront of Xajita "what happened here? Did you beat it by yourself? are you ok?" looking conerned and surprised by seeing cerberus