How cold D: It was just an offer~
A jar? This glass thing? I see something I'd rather keep my pickle in~
More like get a pickle Oooooh snap
*changes name to Mr. Silk*
And you make me- well I'll tell you on msn ;D
And you're adorable~
Gate card open! D:
Those freshmen are lulzy~
You are? D: And here I was thinking you liked women o:
Yeah. pretty much :3
lol, coco plays this :3
Stop being a puss, and kick those other whore's asses D<
Me 'n kitty are gonna 'ave a wee bairn dontchaknow!
I shall cause much more~
Dont forget hot. You got alot of that in you. Still got a ways to go if you're gonna surpass HB o:
Nah x3 *glomps*
Awesome. Its nice seeing you happy for once x3
There I am =D
Im great~ And you? :3
Of course I like it, you pick such good songs <3