Looks like there's gonna be a fight. An ugly one.
Wow, what a god ugly baby. Who else wants to sacrifice it?
Yes yes, we all know she's easy like sunday morning.
Freaking awesome xD;
I am, right hurz.
Gharanth is like 38 O:
Im now as old as HB. Time watch ftw 8D
Just tell her she's pretty. She'll believe anything~ Seriously though, HB is ****ing hot. Who wouldn't hit that?
Its called a whore. For 20 bucks she'll laugh all you want.
Everyone x Everything Best pairing ever.
Uranus and Neptune were turned from a lesbian couple to a lesbian incest couple 8D
I prefer Yaoi, its hotter 8D
Zatch, Rashield!
Rawr! Go Zatch, use Ekuseresu Zakeruga!
Can I get the body? For medical reasons of course.
I dont do fatties O:
Love you too doublestuffs <3 Pfft, you can be their ***** if you want~
I want in on this whore action. She better pretty herself up though, Kay's looking a bit pudgy.