Stop, Rewind, You missed something. And now... P-P-P-P-POKER FAYCE I also drew a Lion one. :|
Bang BANG, put a bullet in your head, it's a last resort but it doesn't matter. Anyone care to go fight demons around the school late at night? This is how I get over being depressed and sick
You're not alone then, even if I do try to draw them, I never really put enough effort into it, then the proportions confuse me even more than drawing normal people. And now... P-P-P-P-POKER FAYCE I also drew a Lion one. :| Best not let me get bored when I'm still VERY hyper
Hello there~! Oh yay, another DA account *stalks* :3
Ah man, for a while I got addicted to those, and I still do use them sometimes, mostly dodge tool though, my little 'cheat' usually ends up better than using the burn tool. I should make a tutorial soon all about my drawing and colouring cheats, they are quite useful.
Avi: 10/10 Both sigs: 8/10 Very cute, though that background seems just a bit plain Just a in-game shot, but the effects on it are cool
Don't know, don't know? Lalalala~ Ahaha...someone needs to shut me up, well all be dead before we hit the floor anyway. After all, it's not the fall that kills you.
Vex: It looks awesome~ very colourful and cute!
A better question is how am I not?
I dun have MSN >_> I use google talk from Gmail...
..................well that went nowhere. Also, I am a failure. Oh joy.
It's so hard though, because myself doesn't want to stop being friends, and I don't want to make myself sad... D: Why must so many choices be so hard?
You're lucky you have a friend to blame it on, whatever I say is all entirely of my own bad influence on myself. I am SUCH a bad influence, I really gotta stop hanging out with myself
Avi: 9/10 I don't really like it, but it is good Sig: 8/10 Okami is love~ Though the brushes don't seem to fully fit with the stock you have, or it maybe just the colours used
You pervert XD
Don't worry, you're not alone, I've had was worse just plain stupid moments
Old Man: That's not the point. Xennex: Then I'll play softly, so it doesn't tickle as much. D:
When posting there is a button that looks like the worls with a sideways 8, or a chain or the sign for infinity or whatever, click that and put the link, then you will get something liek this .......... [ /URL] In between those two you just put what you want the text to say. :)
....right. That's like you and your brother being enemies but in the end there is a PLOT TWIST and your brother turn out to just be you.
:| Boxes and cubes are the exact same thing you know, just two different names.