Vex: Same here, I detest it, and luckily my family feels the same. Blivy: Like chalk/coke or LCD kinda bad or like marijuana kinda bad? Vex: That would be classified more as being hyper, which I can do as well~~~ I can get hyper off of nothing at all. <3 Being hyper with friends is fun~~
Vex: Not necessarily all of them, but yes, in general they are bad. Unless you want to raise the point of doctor prescribed medicines and things like Advil, because those are also called drugs.
Ahaha...the sad truth. I know what type of people you mean. No, as long as fruit is not a drug, then I haven't had any. XD This is annoying me, I need to go find out what it is in bananas that makes you happy, the name was long and hard to remember, all I know it it started with a T or a P.
D: I'm annoying and I'm told act like a 4 year old. bananas count as drugs? *shot* They do make you happy though, there's a chemical that makes your brain release a bit of whatever it is that makes you happy. :3 Good for when you feel all ZETSUBOUSHITAAAAAAA!!!!!!!-ish EAT YOUR FRUTI KIDDIES IT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY!!! D:<
Fast talking can be hard to understand >_< What does said group do that is unfavorable?
Blivy: Is he eww-ish?
Blivy: What? What? wat wat wat?! I DEMAND YOU TELL MEH! Flame: Ah well, doesn't really matter if they remember or not. Eww, no layering for better brushes? no thanks. I'm glad it's not similar to a movie >_< I make my own brushes, or download them anyay. I only use one of the origional brushes :| and even that I changed the settings on So much detail in the hair and fuzzy stuff o_- I'm to lazy to lineart hair, lineart takes to damn long for me already, hair would just kill me. And my style doesn't fir it. D: I think we all wish we had more time for things. I think I was gonna say something more...I dunno.
Yea, most movies the first is always the best, same with things like Windows XP, Me, Vista. :| The older crap is better untill they finally fix all the crap wrong with the new stuff...except for Me, nobody like Windows Me, it just plain sucked, most people pretend it never existed. But anyway yea, for photoShop it's basically the exact same as the previous one, plus added features.
Blivy: I believe there is a CS4 out now, I would assume since it is new it would be better than the other previous ones. Though I hear great things about CS3 still, and CS4 would probably be hard to pirate. ...Arr.
I like you, you get +marks on the counter. As to your earlier comment, don't worry, I won't do anything I'll regret.
Big wall of text is big. Interesting none the less though. I knew most of these things, but it was a nice review. There is quite a large amount of work put into games, really something to appreciate when you play.
FFFF I fail, I always forget to do something before I say I'm leaving Anyway: I'VE WENT OVER THIS SO MANY FREAKING TIMES BUT STILL, STILL MY VERY NICE REQUEST HAS BEEN FORGOTTEN TIME AND TIME AGAIN. Quoted because nobody ****ing reads the first time. BTW, it's not about what I said, if you're thinking that you're an idiot. You guys need to use your brains a little.
On no, it wasn't you, you're quite fine off, in fact we should have a tea party and eat cookies or something. Oops, I meant to leave after I posted that other post. Oh well, I'll leave after this: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Wow, I hate you all. Actually only a few of you...but that's not the point. Good day.
I find such awful awful things. So awful. They make me laugh to much, I think I'm going to be sick, my sides hurt and I'm still struggling to stop the giggles As unproductive as this day ways... I'm happy with it. I shall go back to reading now lalala~ *skips away*
Vex: It's not so bad, there are a few things you could to do make it more chibi-ish though. Rainbow: Hello~ I'm doing alright, how are you?
She probably just had the same brain dead moment Claud had, and some unknown thing just beamed her away. XD
No need to be that rude now :| You have no avi so I'll just rate the sig 7/10 A bit to big for a sig, but it is kinda amusing
A question, is that Rena he's trying to pull in? It is great, actually, it's better than great, it's amazing~ I would say it's only rivaled by some SNES games SNES was like, THE BEST gaming era to date, and with the way things are going, it will remain so. Earthbound, Tales of Phantasia, Terragen (?) <3 all so amazing~~~