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  1. Quiet Elegy
    Quite possible a 3D background with 2D characters could prove interesting

    Anyway yea,
    frame by frame is best way to go. If you want some help setting up key frames, I know a bit about that, and I'll be practicing it soon enough when the holidays come (next weekend)

    If you want
    a bit of info on key-frames and the stuff inbetween, I can tell you what I know as of now, and I'll be sure to help with whatever I can once I learn some more by practicing.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Quiet Elegy
    Alright then, I guess I will go with something just a bit more detailed than the Sai-sig one, that would be easier for different types of hairstyles as well.

    cutscenes huh? Sounds awesome~

    Kinda like
    the newer Tales openings?
    Tales of Symphonia
    (O_o for once the English opening music is better)
    Tales of Innocence
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Quiet Elegy
    Wow, how juvenile, I think I laughed for about a minute after I realized the initials can be read as sofa.

    Anyway it's going good, I'm sorry I meant to scan them last weekend but I was sick so I could go and abuse the use of a printer at my dad's house.

    Just doing
    a little cleaning up now on the computer actually. It seems although I love my tablet, paper and pencil is the best for sketching ideas and poses. Maybe it's just being able to see it fully and see exactly where the pencil is. Only problem things can be easily off places and miss portioned. Oh well, that's what photoshop is for

    I won't
    do full clean lineart, but I will go over it, then we make some changed if necessary, then I can do lineart and see if anything is amiss, then finally colours~

    I love
    colouring, so fun.

    Oh yea,
    do you want more realistic hair colouring or hair more like the Sai in my sig? The Sai type would be a bit faster, but then the realistic is just as fun and more...realistic-ish.

    I don't
    know if I'm making sence, sorry if I'm confusing anyone.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Quiet Elegy
    >_> at least that's though pants and hopefully underwear

    I didn't have socks so the glue stuck to my foot. :|
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Quiet Elegy
    Hello バレリ~さん~!

    If it
    was me I would probably be under a tree or a slide waiting for it to stop until I get bored and just run home in the rain... probably a slide though, it keeps the water out. :| I hope she's alright.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Quiet Elegy
    Yay~ another person working on SO:FA? :3

    I could
    probably find a pirated version if you don't want to/can't buy it... *cough*

    Though personally, it maybe best to stick to one branch, unless needed, like if members of the team drop out. I've had a few things I've done with a very small team where I needed to do more than one job, it's not impossible, but it is hard to organize. Plus that wasn't even trying to design a game.

    I have no instant messaging things besides Google Talk from Gmail, I'm so out of touch, ahaha....
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Quiet Elegy
    I stepped on one once, my sister refused to let me get ice because I was a ****** and didn't mention I just stepped on burning hot metal with the soft part of my foot (you know, the indented part) She made me go to bed because it was late. The day after I mentioned that I steped on it and she was all OMFG JENN WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?! Then she said ice would be bad and running it under water would be best. :|
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Quiet Elegy
    TBS = <3

    It felt
    like Friday today...I was disappointed to find that it wasn't. I dunno what made me think that.


    Maybe a good book would help?

    I know
    very little to nothing about 3D things, sorry I can't help.

    hectic >_<

    I'd rather
    be bored, because I can find amusement in the simplest things. Being restless is the worse though I would say.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Quiet Elegy
    I'm freeeee~~~~~!
    *trips over textbooks*
    ;~; maybe not quite....

    But I AM procrastinating (as if that hasn't gotten me into enough problems)

    I'll watch
    that video soon, and Vex, I'll try to read the fanfic when I have some more time

    Uh, what
    else... oh yea. I can sing...but I sound like a guy. EXACTLY like a guy. If any of you have heard Something Corporate or Taking Back Sunday, I sound like the lead in both, more so Something Corporate though.

    Something Corporate
    - Forget December:

    Other than that, what's up fams?
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Quiet Elegy
    Nah, I'm a klutz...otherwise I would have never falled down stairs so many times

    Didn't we
    go over this before?
    Didn't you mean something liek this:

    I consider falling up stairs to be mid way or at the bottom, and physically tumbling UP the stairs. On a normal sized set, not those three step one, I mean like the 15 step type ones.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Quiet Elegy
    Maybe I just know how to fall right. Worst ever on carpeted ones I banged my arm, but the bruise wasn't very painful.

    I've slipped
    down non-carpeted ones, not so fun, but I wasn't too bad off.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 14, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Quiet Elegy
    Falling down stairs is painless >_> I've tried it. Over 30 times.

    Driving off a cliff.... depends on what's at the bottom, and how tall the cliff it, you could live it without a scratch.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 14, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Quiet Elegy
    Avi: 6/10
    It just seem, I dunno, a bit to plain.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 14, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  14. Quiet Elegy
    lolololol wen did dis brikwall get here?
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 14, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Quiet Elegy
    No need to apologize. :|
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 13, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Quiet Elegy
    Noise: You're quite welcome. :D

    Avi: 9/10

    Sig: 6/10
    O_o wtf?
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 13, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  17. Quiet Elegy
    All I can say in a situation like this is 'wow.'
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 13, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Quiet Elegy
    Avi: 9/10
    Can't say I like it, but it is good

    Sig: 8/10
    Same as the avi.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 13, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  19. Quiet Elegy
    ....DOT. DOT. ****ING DOT.

    Will there
    ever be an end to this or it like Deii said? E_E
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 13, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  20. Quiet Elegy
    *faceknife* Then WHY do you reply like that?
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Dec 13, 2008 in forum: Forum Families