Somebody is not thinking outside the box. Hehe, box~
But nobody is.
You're not now are you, but you are someone.
Well now, we can't have everyone knowing the plan.
Avi: 10/10 Adorable~~ Sig: 10/10 It's unique, plus the effects and brushes look nice And bonus points for the text in it being funny~
Avi: 5/10 It's just Riku... Sig: 6/10 It's a bit hard to read the text Sig2: 8/10 Seen it before, but is still amusing.
Vex: A bad internet connection is never fun That's quite a bit to get, you're lucky. In my family we always get the same amount as our age for birthdays Rainbow: Thanks~ I don't have it up on DA yet because I need to make the rest of the set, but the picture from my sig is here:
No no, a list would be ineffective, I already know who would be needed.
Thank you, and yea, I make them myself. Usually I just take whatever I've drawn recently and mess around with that, it usually works nicely. (the red Neuro in the avi isn't mine though, that's from the anime, I just edited it to be red)
Hardly, it only takes two. That is, if you know who to ask.
I'm not just gonna steal her piano just like that! There would be many complications to doing that.
No idea, I was jsut replying to what the others where talking about earlier.
Christmas is fun, but by far my favorite part is the smell. Serioulsy. The smell of a evergreen is just so lovely~ Family tiems are great, though I usually get to see my grandma, aunt, sister and her husband on a regualr basis. ;~; on of my other sisters though I really miss, she only comes around at christmas and durring summer break because she lives halfway across Canada. D: I only like christmas lights otherwise, the ones that are all blue. I use them somewhat as a night light, because I tend to draw before I go to bed, but if the light is on it's to bight to go to bed, and to dark to draw if it is off. They have such a soft glow at night, I love it. Halloween though is my favorite holiday of all, it's such great fun and like, the best reason ever to go cosplaying.
But your piano looks so awesome, I want to play it D:
Cute sig and avi~~ Can i haz play teh piano nao?
If you walk away I walk away first tell me which road you will take I don't want to risk our paths crossing someday so you walk that way I'll walk this way ♪ ♪ ♪
Xennex, hello, and thanks~ What have you been up to lately?
Oh yea, I'm Kikame, I got a name change, I probably should have mentioned that.
Haha yes~ ;~; Neuro didn't fit in my sig after I put the Basshunter lyrics, so I put him in my avi :D
Avi: 9.5/10 Sig: 10/10 Sig: 10/10 I really like the second sig, the colours are nicely blended and it fits together well