Im with Pengwin these things sound fun :) *walks in and takes a seat*
Kol cant wait congrats :)
Ugh the horor i wanted to continue XD great job cant w8 till next chapter ganna be soo great
OMg this was great u leave me n suspince now ima be thinkin bout it all week eh cant w8 till the next chap so great
O_o mines is XD
Wow the most Horrible thing i read *jokes* Real Version: OMG this is sooooooo goood i cant believe it cant wait for the next 1 the most beautiful thing i read :) keep up da good work ur doin good dont quit :)
Wow tht 1 was really good gets me so anxious for the next 1 XD this one was really good n funny hope u come out with the next 1 soon XD
OOO yea thts a good idea u should also do Org vs, The ppl from Bleach lolz just throwin stuff out there :)
aw i lik tht skil lucky
Xaldin walks by to see whats every1 is tlkin bout "Hey Axel, hows it goin" he said. "then turks where mine but they got away" :( yelling....."where can we find them"thinking hardly on where to go to find the turks
"i see no problem with that" Xaldin said to Roxas walkin off to a different direction to fond something that he is looking for
Xaldin looks down at Roxas "no accually i havnt seen him at all" he said wonderin where in the world Axel could have gone in a time like this "Ill try all i can to find him"he said
~The Castle That never was(Entrance)~ Xaldin appears out of darkness to see what was up with Roxas he seemed depressed about something Roxas lies on the ground struggling "whats wrong" Xaldin said wonderin what n the world has hapen to him..Xaldin walks up to Roxas and helps him up "you sure been through alot" Xaldin said
Xaldin ruses to Roxas to see if he was alright "whats with this reno guy he looks familar"He said... "i wonder where they went to this time" thinking deeply Xaldin looks around to see if every1 else is okay
Lookin around for a fight Xaldin starts to run at Reno *Your mine*he yelled throwing one of his lances hoping that it will hit his target...
Of course another Rpg lolz great uhhh who should i be ummmm guess ill be Xaldin
OOO a game of hide n seek sounds fun :)
Eh Xaldin looks bored wonderin whos hes goin to fight "Im bored i should just join in on a fight" he says to himself... bringin back his Weapons he puts a serious look on his face he walks towards the battles
"Ah stop yellin at me" Xaldin said, After the deal with Zexion Xaldin looks around for who is attacting us and y... He sees thats theres been a good fight while he was gone Thinkin to himslef "Hmmm i need to get into this" W'll everone else is fightin Xaldin moves around to find someone to fight aginst
Xalin looks very confused "You muct hav gotten hit really hard Zexion" he said "need any help?"