OOO no somethin seems wrong -leans over to Pengwin- this turned out to be very bad
*sitting waiting* umm can the priest get on with it please XD
O_Ooooo -silents-
OOo tht seems fun
[whisper] Hey wat will this do?? [/whisper]
[whisper] O sounds like fun mind if i join in??
-sneaks over to pengwin n dp- hey wat r u 2 doin??
-loks at dp n pengwin- these 2 r up to somethin hmmm
-overhears- OO u guys r going to do something bad im not drinkin the soda XD
*lookin confused* we tlkin bout food or the weding XD
-seeing everyone crying- i dont get y people would cry XD
*runs back to seat* finaly its going to start
*sitting bored* hmm ima go get somethin
O i think i forgot somethin *thinking hardly* when is this weddin goin to start :)
Finaly is it going to start *getting excited*
i have nothin to worry bout im not scared of muskrats XD
O pickles sound good *takes a pickle* ty
O nothin to worry bout :) *waiting*
*gettin ready* this is goin to be good heh
Well it happens *rdy for the walk ins*