Hey kol eureka seven hey kol can i be renton?
Xiegin apears behind Kunerai Xiegin- Tke this *Punches Kunerai in the back*
Xiegin- *hand signs* u kno wat Water Style GIANT VORTEX JUTSU Xiegin- see wat u can do agianst this
OOC: wowow alot of clones Xiegin- heh guess i gatta get in this MULTI SHADOW CLONE JUTSU 100 clones apear
Yea i lik dem both there pretty good
Eh thts kinda tough because i lik all of them so i dunno cant pik
wows dats a real weird pic lolz
Im right behind U *runs into mist* lets end this *6 clones running at kakshi ready to bring him down*
Nows my chance "Shadow Clone jutsu!!!" Time to rock n roll *runs at kakashi with 6 clones*
Ah wat XD *jumps out of way* r u crazy Kairi!!!! you almost bernt me
Take this *throws a punch at Kakashi* Ima make sure to knock u down with 1 hit
"WAT' *jumps out of bushes* " Your mine, get ready for a big beatdown"
Wh "yea i can hear u loud n clear"
I dunno somethin doesnt seem right * goes n bushes* Lets hid but he proble knows where we r
Bring it *stands ready*
U ready to fight KXR?
OO im so ready to fight :D
Yo can i be a grooms man ?? if thts ok?
OOOO i get u lolz yea well i think i tlk weird but i can fix myself from time to time if i want to XD lolz :D O ok np cya ltr den
yea bout right lolz i tlk weird dont i ?? XD