heh thts my clone *sees real sakura* gentle fist *hits sakura n chest*
not if i can help it *hand signs* Ill hit u from behind "Fire style Phenix Flare jutsu"
heh lets see wat i can do now Byakugan(sp)?? lets see where u are
heh not yet *doges Resengan* Xiegin- u think ur the only one that can do that *RESENGAN!!*
Hmm Xiegin Appears Xiegin- Kairi im here *rushes down to sakura. throws a punch*
Sup sup welcome back
Seems tht i did miss it o wells ill be leavin now XD
hey all wsup i missed it?
*hand signs* Xiegin- your anoyin now Water style Water dragon jutsu *dragon appears and hits sakura n kunerai
Xiegin- no kairi flys towards sakura throwin kunai
Xiegin gets loose n rushes after Kunerai hittin her off of kairi
Xiegin hmmm this doesnt seem right at all i can fill chakra build but from were?? hmm "whsp. kairi some1 else is here"
Xiegin backs off to w8 for the trap Xiegin- Kairi get outta there
Xiegin appears Xiegin- hey kairi u ok *gettin ready to do hand signs*
Hey is it to late for me to join this??
OOC: yea sure Heh Xiegin- *hand signs* Shadow clone jutsu its time to end this
OOC: sure u can join u can either be on me n kairis team or with Kakahsi Xiegin then dives towards kunerai Xiegin- ha take this * takes out kunai n throws it at her*
Xiegin-hmm clever *hand signs* shodow clones Clones- Lets get her
Renton walkin around in the hallway Renton- arg cant go to sleep
Xiegin-heheh u fell for it 5 clones appear behind Kunerai Xiegin- now time to get serious *hand signs* Water style a thousand needles of death