yea i can do tht how long u on for??
Woh violence ges
O_o this will be fun
Xiegin- Not good *backs off*
Heh lolz tht a weird pic lolz
Yes sure np ill be ur partner
Ugh heh guess ill be in it although not a good danceer
Welcome to the site n i bet ull make alot of friends just make sure that u follow the rules n post lots
Goes to Kairi "Where did she go"
Thats weird they each hav same chakra heh maybe i can see which one has chakra points Wat none of them do... where is she
_this is her no its a clone Xiegin- Hmmm Buyakugan(sp) seein chakra everywhere Where is she hmmmm
Right *hand signs shadow clones*gogogo find her and bring her to me *every1 spreds out*
heh didnt affeact me comes up from water behind kairi n hits here chakra points n her arm Xiegin- i can see ur points heheh
Seeing Paper bomb *hand signs* water style water shockwave Spits out water n jumps into water
Umm no i dunt think so but she manage to get ma arm *blood runnin down arm*
Right im ready Keep buildin up chakra for the hit NOW *face to face with sakura hitin her with the resengan-blade*
hey Kairi rdy to give it to her?? Xieign buildin up chakra to the resengan-blade
heh hand signs Explosive shadow clones *sends 3 clones at sakura*
Doin hand signs with 1 hand Xiegin- here take these Fire style fire ball jutsu Shootin fire balls at Sakura
whispers to Kairi OK lets do it Xiegin buildin up chakra Ready "RESENGAN"