DDD: I can't draw for sh*t with a mouse.
OOC: They heard each other's aliases in the office, didn't they? IC: Diary looked up suddenly, it sounded as if someone fell; it turned out to be that Koian... err, Koi (Diary found it to be such an odd alias) girl who'd given out her full name in L's office. Whoops. Diary never wore heels, she couldn't stand them. She didn't see the point in wearing something so annoying. She always thought comfort over fashion, to avoid any clothes that might cause a disraction or be an irritant. OOC: Just notices Diary plz? that'd be interesting.
>> << Jumping off cliffs is fun becuz all teh kool people do it. You should have read the rules in the first place... but now that the problem is solved, this should be locked.
OOC: Paladin, do you have MSN, Aim, Yahoo or Skype? o.o I have so many ideas that would have to be explained throughout the story xD it's insane. Also, Paladin, In How to Read, they say L lies when he makes the percentages. He actually only makes percentages when he is at least 90% sure a suspect is guilty. I know it has little to do with that, because L and Snake are two different people, but still. xP
OOC: <_> -skips to next day- IC: Diary got her food and looked for a place to sit. As she was walking to her seat, she passed by two other students, one she recognized as Just, talking about a notebook. She heard he words, "Death Note". 'Is that the name of the notebook Mello was talking about?' she thought, 'I didn't hear their entire conversation... I could just pick a seat closer to them and listen...' She'd had her hood up on her sweater the entire time, so it wouldn't be completly noticable. She also sat in a normal way to blend in, and listened. OOC: I have a few ideas for Diary's place in this... MSN anyone?
xD That was hilarious.
"It's almost surprising that everyone has different classes here," Diary said, "There are so few students."
OOC: What to do now... xD
Blue collar~ Working man Devises~ Master plan Bipolar~ With a mental side arm xD
OOC: Noez D:
OOC: Beyond Birthday should be in this. I'd RP him =D IC: Diary grinned, happy to have made someone else smile. She then took out her cell phone to check the time. "It seems I have about an hour until my first class, and I still haven't checked out this whole school. Are you busy right now?" she asked Near. He couldn't be that much older than her, and he seemed like a really nice person... Maybe they could hang out for a little while.
So very bored xD If anyone's wondering, I'm [L]Ryuzaki[L] xD Yeah, that was fun xD
"Ah. It's okay to be short, I'm not exactly that tall either, haha," she chuckled. OOC: I want to change her height to 5'1". That's what it originally was, but I thought it might be too short. Now I want to switch it back xDD
OOC: Well,I guess she wouldn't know that anyway xD. IC: "My name's Diary," she responded. Technically it wasn't, but it would be awkward to say, 'My alias is Diary,' now wouldn't it? And it's obviously not a smart thing to give out your real name in this school. She didn't know whether this kid(or not...) was a student or staff, or if he belonged here at all, so she asked. "Are you a student here, or..."
OOC: I'm kinda confused now xD. Does he already know Diary's alias?
"What's your name?" she asked. 'Just knows the names of everyone here... at least the staff. He must have done a little research on this place.'
Diary looked around and saw that none of the classes on her timetable were in session at the moment, so she decided to look around the school for a bit. Walking down a hallway, she found a kid-or at least he looked like one, at about 5', with white hair wearing pajamas. He looked extremely out of place, but then again, one might say the same about L. "Hello," she spoke. OOC: =3
OOC: I wanna talk to Near o:
OOC: Basically, three new kids joined. xD and that's about it. Yes, being grounded does suck D=
Diary took her schedule from his hand and read it over. "Thank you; I should probably be getting to class now, seeing as how I'm late already" she said, walking towards the door. "See you." OOC: BIC: As she hurried to her first class, she passed by another girl. "Hi," she said quickly, as she walked by.