Nope it isn't
So she should, could be Polyjuiced.
Harold listened to their debate and the question he was asked, however, Ron did interupt Hermione before he could answer, seems like ROn was still as rude as ever and he answered. "Of course I'm Harry James Potter,and for your infomation, even the wixarding world has magic to repair eyesight and as for the well dressed stuff, you think i'd still want to wear my cousin's hand me downs?" He asked, odd, Hermione should know know who he was as she did support him, she can't of been Oblivated could she? No, he taught her to keep her Occlumency up to check along with others to protect their minds and infomation, ater all it is a crime to invade someone's head without permission. "The ring, oh come on Hermione, I told you before, don't tell me you had your mind wiped clean?" he said before stopping himself, if this were hermione, shouldn't she like cuddle him or give a note of affection and she never joined Ron because the latter was with Dean and Seamus? Something was seriously wrong here, either someone called her that word again or...she was a different Hermione. "Are you using Polyjuice Potion?" he asked warily.
Did update my Fanfictiosn too.
You'd figure out something.
Yeah, but this trial is for Harry's miuse of the Patronus Charm and the Levitation Charm against the court and besides Harry never asscoicated...
Of course, you'll write the whole thing lol.
Will have a good read of it tomorrow
~Ichigo~ Ichigo was called Strawberry-Kun by Vert, he wanted to yell out and say his name does not mean Strawberry but for First Guardian Angel like he did with Rukia but strangely, he didn't, maybe it was because it was Vert herself but there was those nightmares still in his head, especially when his Hollowified Self had merciessly killed everyone while he couldn't save them, somehow he doubted anyone would shake off the nightmares they were given. ~Harold James Potter-Peverell-Gryffindor (OOC: Long right, why else do you think I stuck with Potter as a surname?)~ Harold was approaching a group and he did recongize Hermione Jean Granger, Ginny and Ronald Billus Weasely with two other females, one wearing Yellow and the other pink, if anyong, Ronald was proabably enjoying himself being around four girls and it did look look liek he hadn't aged a day at all, in fact his friends didn't at all as he approached them, he knew he had to be careful here, the Weasely's supported DUmbedore and their mother dosed his food with Love Potions to make him have eyes for Ginny and Ronald only trying to be his friend so he could boast about it, Hermione on the other hand supported Harold and was probably one of the good friends he had, he did enjoy Fred and George's antics as the twins sided with him as did their eldest brothers Charile and Bill, he did ahve other supporters too. "Hermione, what are you doing here?" he asked his friend as he approached her, little did he know, he was meeting a Hermione but not his reailties. ~Marvelous~ "Just keep moving." he said to them, contining on.
And Voted for you
didn't check.
"You...wanna do that move... one more time?" He asked Tidus, obivously still reeling from surprise form what he witnessed beforehand. ~Besaid Falls~ Masaru charged forward at a Condor flapping near the ground and drove his black sword through it, pinning the monster down as it struggled to get free but that wasn't going to happen at all, it merely waited until the beast stopped moving to signify it's death as it turned to pryeflies as he pulled his sword out from the ground before spotting a Dingo sniff it's prey, that being him of course. "I'm not going to be anyone's lunch today." He said said rather calmly as the Dingo leapt for him at breakneck speed that only four legged animals could achieve in their lifetime but Masaru merely sshifted back into a another stance and waited for the DIngo to come in dangerously close to the point his fangs were close to his face and shifted his weight, running his blade across the side of the monster and stopping after he slain the beast as it felt down, becoming pyreflies as well.
I'll get to it
nah don't think I will, besides waiting for others to post.
I see then.
Lol do you want freaked out-ness?
Maybe he should meet Ron's Group or something.
Now who should harold meet up with that is the question
~Marvelous~ Marvelous merely shrugged at the question, he wasn't one to think ahead, he prefered everything to be stimluating and throw himself in the face of danger, but not recklessly enough to die. ~Ichigo Kurosaki~ ichigi had the sudden feeling his representation of someone's banner image had changed again because his RPer decided to change it. ~???~ A man wearing what seemed to a fisherman's hat and glasses with the most dullest clothes anyoen could think of, stared up at the sky, seeing the Reapers entry into the atmosphere as he wasn't all concerned. "Curse you Decade, this world is heading towards destruction because of your existence." He said ina rather unplesnant tone. ~???~ A remarkingbly similar young man at the age of thirteen was wandering alone but what made he similar, he had the lightning scar on his forehead like a certain young wizard but no huge spectacles to help his eyesight and notably taller than his original counterpart, if one looked on his right middle finger was a ring with a symbol of a red gem with a gold P engraved upon it, this person couldn't be Harry Potter could he? Wrong, this is an Alternate Universe Harry Potter whose life changed different than the originals. ~Kamen Riders~ Tsukasa felt a small shiver down his spine, he had a feeling someone he didn't like was in this world and was going to caus ehim alot of trouble.
Lol yes Harold Potter ish ARRIVING!