The Blitzball Players mublmed as Wakka litsened to the youth. "Sin's toxin got to you, but you're still alive, praise be to Yevon." He said and put right forearm over left forearm, fingers spread out, hands curved in the shape of a circle, and bowed to teh Youth and looked to his team. "Alright, back to pratice!" he called out as they spread out and he held otu hsi hand. "I'm Wakka, coach and captain of the Besaid Aurochs, brudda." he said and heard the youth's stomach growl. "What? You hungry?" he asked and noticed teh youth's sheepish smile. "Okay! Back to the village. I'll get you somethin'!" he said and turned around to begin walking.
Oh just because my Avatar Profile Picture is Nanaka Shirakawa from Da Capo II, you automatically assume I'm female : Bloody tart.. I'm a man and you know it Bushy!
~Ichigo~ Ichigo wasn't at all bothered by the cold dampness, but then again the CPU's did wear bikini underneath their outfits, why he enver asked but it was probably for PG-13 purposes or to prevent many men nosebleeding as he rubbed his orange messy hair, he didn't commuicate with Zangestu at all yet (OOC: Cause I don't know if Zangestu's Spirit changed when Ichigo regained hsi powers since Ichigo's outfit was influenced by his Fullbring.) "You seem like you've stopped worrying about something." ichigo pointed out, he could kidn of tell the emotions flickering across people's eyes, well, when he fought during a Winter War and fougght constantly, Ichigo had the special knack for sensing people's emotions or feeling when there was fight against him as if to understand them, it did annoy his opponents he can ascertain from just that despite still being a Human, eh did note the other womens had the same flickering emotion of being terrified, it was probably because of the nightmares everyone had to experience "What am I supposed ot say, ask them all what they are scared of?" He thought to himself, then again, Aizen himself was probably a nightmare incarnaed apart from his Inner Hollow's full form but everyone has somethign their afraid of, even they become insanely powerful, Aizen was afraid of Ichigo who seemed to have evovled beyond him and the Houygoku was forcing him to evovle higher but in the end, Ichigo ended it when he had enough of Aizen's complaints and all it took was one sword swing to end the War. ~Marvelous~ The group kept following hermione was utlizing skilsl to run faster or keep the Shadows away. ~Narutaki~ Narutaki was obseving events as they occured, he needed to find a group willing to destroy Decade, so far, all groups were busy with their own troubles of escaping the threat that was the reapers and it seemed Decade had joined with other Riders as well, so that plan of Rider vs Rider wasn't going to work, he then saw Fighter and White Mage in their quest and it was then he decided to appear before them as a veil of sliver appeared before them and he stepped through, surprising the two adventurers/ "This world will end soon enough, the Reapers..." he nodded to the destruction in the distance. "Is all Decade's fault, he brought them here, he dooms all worlds to destruction whenver he arrives in a new world, that's Decade, the Destroyer of Worlds." he said gravely.
Uh huh Ichigo's one lucky man, Kon shall be forever more jealous of him
But msotly working on fanfictions really.
At some point when i get the motivation.
OOC: Aerith love, Marvelosu used HurricaneRed Key to transform Harold watched as Ron, Ginny and Hermione mustered up their corperal Patronuses and Malfoy's shock. "Anyone can do it if they try Malfoy, of course it does mean putting effort in than just being all talk." He said and flicked his wand again. "Expecto Patronum Elementia!" he said as from his wand, it wasn't a stag that came from Harold Potter's wand but a a lion strikingly similar to Mufasa that wasn't coated in white light of the patronus charm but in a blazing fire, needless to say, he got looks from the fellow wizards, "It changed when I developed more of a backbone, and it's a high level spell adding Elementia, it's one of benefits of having a personal library." he said to them. Marvelous follow suit of Hermione leading the group. ~Damp Crystal Cave~ Ichigo rubbe dhis hair and noted his robe was drier now, probably because it absorbed the water's spiritual particles since it the water wasn't made of reishi and he thrown it onto Blanc. "Well, maybe we could use dry mould in here and get a fire going." he thought, he enver tried the Hado's before, probably because he never bothered with it.
"Would be nice if we could teleport or Apparate, downside is, don't have teh slightest idea what's on the other side of the valley so... you say we need light?" he asked and withdrawn a wand, that harry Potter used, the holly and phoenix feather wand by Ollivander and pointed at the shadows. "Lumos Maximus!" he said a brigth light shot out from hsiw and to create the most brightest bit of articifcal light one could hope for...if people didn't bother staring into the light and go blind from it. "They aren't Dementors at least, if you say light is the only thing keeping them back, then this should do the trick am I correct?" He asked vexen, his casual tone to being one of calmness. Marvelous held out a Ranger Key of Red Ranger Key before hearing Venxen's words. "then we'll try and escape this place as quickly as we can, we're using the ninja's abilites, Gokai Change!"" He said before instering the key into the mobirates and turned it as a red light covered him from sight. "Hurricaneger!" before looking to his other Gokaigers at their choice of ninja rangers, they could use the Hurrcaneger Keys or the other school Gouraigers then there was the Kakurangers.
It's nicely done.
Don't remember where it was, you can use Flowmotion on the wall constantly to jump up higher, but if I think Counter Aura is where Riku and Sam...
What about -coughs-Balthierwhoisnotthemaincharacterinffxiidespiteitbeingtoldfromvaanspointofview-coughs-
Loved all Traverse Town Cutscenes, ahhh the The World Ends with You voices are spot on but there are many other favourites.
And a crossdresser, Lightning wasn't.
Come on, Tifa wasn't useless at least and you know as well as everyone else did, you always put her in your Party with Cloud and one other character cause you can't have a party of two... apart from the Sephiroth fight where you make Parties of 3 but there's only like 8 characters.
Of course.
Not really surprsied, I seen how much it's done, hell someone made a Yu-Gi-Oh! Custom Deck around those Ponies.
~Damp Crystal Lake~ If Ichigo had any common sense, which he does have thankfully, he blushed and looked away staring at a the water which somehow became very interesting all of a sudden as he sat cross legged, if any man in the world wanted to say this guy is a lucky man, you say so and be envious, jealous or wanna downright scream, you may so do at your expense, trust the RPer, he would or he's downright laughing at ichigo's expense as he listened to Blanc's rather sensible answer. "I think everyone in my family but my old man is sane, he does the most outrageous things, flying kicks in the morning, trying to stamp my face in the bed while i wake up, I highly call that normal, then again, I suppose it had it uses, it did put me on guard constantly, then I suppose it's because he tried to keep the family going ever died." he said rather solemnly at the last few words, as if it was a subject he'd rather not talk about. ~Marvelous~ The Taka candroid led them the group to where Hermione/basco is.
I know that, I just questioned a male friend shwing me that show and considered my sanity when it's aimed at kids and such, I mean sure Yu-Gi-Oh!...
1 Episode, I'm just not a person whose into that sort of thing, probably because I seen other Anime and enjoy those rather than that.
Good to hear.