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  1. StardustXtreme
    Only reason characters are on Reserves is when we feel we've done all we could with the characters we use in the Cove, cause we are planning on making more Arcs than just the Kingdom Arc and the World Arc we're currently in.

    if a person quits or not responds to the Cove due to real-life commitments, then that person will consider or have his/her characters offered, Bushy Brow was of the people who had to leave due such commitments and if they believe there isn't any specfic person to get a character, they'll leave them out for anyone to claim, just like I did with Tidus who was originally Bushy's.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    Of course lol

    Of course lol
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Aug 16, 2012
  3. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    Guess so then.

    Guess so then.
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Aug 16, 2012
  4. StardustXtreme
    And yes, Inuyasha has left the Cove.

    This will allow me the chance to bring in Tsunayoshi and Takuya at some point.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    Lol a Angry Ankh Bird?

    Lol a Angry Ankh Bird?
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Aug 16, 2012
  6. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    Uh huh VERY

    Uh huh VERY
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Aug 16, 2012
  7. StardustXtreme

    Harold paused for a moment as he listened the others converse and Draco's attempt of staring at Hermione's developing... figure despite being 13, go figure for hormones and he felt Hogwarts commuicate with him, holding a hand up for everyone to be silent. "Well, seems like Doppelganger is using Heromine's piece of her soul to have access to our magic and now he's literally blown the doors of the Great Hall off." he said to them, if he ha d a imaginary beard like Dumbledore's he'd be stroking it right now.

    Marvelous looked at him and simply ignored Roxas being in the Galleon, his midn wa son more important matters. "Then we should be prepared with every biit of light we need." He said to harold and Harold nodded. "He'll probably find this Room before long, good thing is, Hogwarts is on our side, but if he comes in here, his desire for something may change the room, it is after all the Room of Requirement..." He said thoughtfully and wondered if the house elves still were still in the kitchens. and placed his ahnd into his jacket and brought out a piece of parchement familar to some people. "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good." as the parchement started ot form into a familar map of Hogwarts showing where Doppelganger was but it had an icon of Hermione Granger as well as he left the hall.

    "What's that?" Marvelous asked and Harold looked up at him. "Maruader's Map, created by Padfoot, Moony, Prongs and...Wormtail." he said witha bit of slight disgust at the last name. "They were the pranksters of Hogwarts long before Fred and Geoge took up pranking at Hogwarts, anyway, The Vashta Nerada seem to be completely gone thanks to Hogwarts's Ward so no worries about escaping outside if need be, but we can't just run from this guy forever, not when Hermione's soul hangs in the balance and I think everyone prefers she gets it back than be inhabited by Basco, so, what's everyone's abilite son using any with light based attacks?" He asked them

    "Hmmm... We do have the MagiShine Ranger Key and the ShinkenGold Key who use light." Marvelous stated.


    Ichigo nodded to Vert who thanked him. "I suppose we can't stay here all day." He said and grabbed ahold of Zangestu, lifting it up in it's impromtu sheath.


    Inuyasha was panting for air, one of the Reapers unfortnately followed him and now he was hiding in ruins of a building, he tried firing a Wind Scar, the Adamant Barrage and even the Meidou Zangestuha which much to hsi chargin, didn't work. "Guess this is it for me, heh, I thought I'd die by a demon, not by a huge machine." He said dryly, he only had one choice, flee and maybe survive until it all quietens down and he looked at Tetsusaiga that was drawn. "I hate to run with my tial between my legs but I got no choice! Hopefully Kagome and Miroku are back home." he said with a swung, cut a Meidou as a Reaper found him and what did he do, he flipped the Reaper the bird. and leapt into the Meidou, it closing behind him and Inuyasha was to never to be seen again...
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    And finally Kh Is back up

    And finally Kh Is back up
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Aug 16, 2012
  9. StardustXtreme

    ~Hogwarts, Dumbledore's Office~

    Harold turned aroudn to face Harry. "Just asked Hogwarts to reactivate it's wards and that seemed to have handled the Vashta Nerada or whatever they are, after all, Hogwarts is one of few places with so many wards protected around it, it's probably if not, close enough to Gringott's and maybe Potter Manor, I never personally compared them but Hogwarts is kinda alive as well with all the magic from all the students coming through her doors throughout her history, so, I just asked as a Heir to do what she must to protect the school, though, I can't guantree Doppelganger will be warded off so easily...especially if a piece of Hermione's Soul is lodged in him." he explained and one of the objects reacted on Dumbledore's Desk of a intruder in the Great Hall.

    "Can't be Umbridge, must be Doppelganger discovering a way in, well, we know he's not immune to light so using Lumos, Lumos Maxima or a Patronus should work, I don't know what the Gokaigers have or the Power Rangers, and I can ask Hogwarts to 'brighten' up the Great Hall nicely." As he said that, in the Great Hall, the heavy doors shut upon Doppelganger and teh ceiling changed to a very bright sun enough to not cast any shadows.

    "...Don't need to ask now, anyway, we better get to the others from what hogwarts tells me, they are in the Room of Requiremnt, nifty place where you can have anything you seek." he said and walked witH harry out of the Office.

    Marvelous just followed Navi and came upon the Gokaigalleon, surprised as he entered in it, hsi companions already there with the exception of Harry and Harold as he walked up the steps. "Now this is something we can use to our advantage." he said, taking his seat that Hermione gracicously kicked Draco off and put one leg over the other as the Treranger Box was on a small table nearby, hwo it got there was unknown but it was plot-conveinent.

    "though, I don't think the Galleon can fight the Reapers, even with the Greater Powers we've collected so far, what's worse, we cannot create Kanzen Gokai-Oh without GoJyuJin since it seems Gai hasn't come upon this strange world yet." He stated to everyone.

    ~Damp Cave~

    Ichigo's upper robe was finally dried out, well, there wasn't that much to worry about as they had new visitors which ichigo learnt was Nico, seemingly to be Noire's other half, Pecry and jason who were Sons of Gods it seemed and then Demyx and Zexions' appearance they were the nosebleeders it seemsed and Vert was obivously embarassed by this or the fact no-one noticed teh hoel until now, strangely a plot-hole and Neptune offered them all to join her party as if it were a RPG or something....oh if only Ichigo knew as he picked up his upper clothing and he did the onyl thing a man should do in these times, he handed it to vert to cover her up as Blanc's motuh dropped.

    "And say we join this Party Netpune-san, what woudl we do then? Those things aren't going to exactly let anyone live, even though we all managed Dark falz somewhat, then there was Unbreakable Dark before that." He said to her as he ignored Demyx's wave.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post

    Sounds like him.

    Sounds like him.
    Profile Post by StardustXtreme for Princess Rapunzel, Aug 13, 2012
  11. StardustXtreme
    In the Olypmics no less with Daniel Craig.

    And I'm ashamed to admit I never been nominated but I don't mind honestly.

    And I am debtaing on reserving Voldermort.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post

    Lol I see then.

    Lol I see then.
    Profile Post by StardustXtreme for Princess Rapunzel, Aug 13, 2012
  13. StardustXtreme


    Harold wandered Hogwarts with his counterpart before pausing, the windows were getting dark and it never goes dark that quick. "I have a feeling those Vashta Nerada are trying to get in, but I don't know if teh wards are built to sstop them and the one leading them, guess we have to head to the Headmaster's Office." he said and he and harry were in front fo the gargoyle that guarded the way to Dumbledore's office.

    "Please move." Harold said and teh Gargoyle did move and teh spiral staircase went upwards. "Being a heir allows you anywhere in Hogwarts without needing the password, I swear the old coot woudl of used another sweet for a password." He said and headed upwards with harry and opened teh door, Dumbledore's Office was completely void of the person living there, instead the paintings of the Headmasters still remained as did DUmbledore's odd contrapions, then again, it seemed nothing in the room had changed, the SOrting Hat was up ina corner.

    "Two Potters? What brings you here?" teh hat asked with it's visble mouthflaps and eyes even though it had none as Harold gave a smile. "Long time no see Adrian." he said and the Hat was surprised. "I never told you that unless... of course, magic works in mysterious ways... I recall sorting you into Gryffindor as well as Mr Potter here, thank you for the present." He said and Harold took note of Harry's surprise. "I gave him new threads as a late Christmas present, he's been sorting for many years, anyway I must commandeer Hogwarts Adrian, the situation is dire." he said and approached DUmbledore's desk and took a deep breath.

    "Hogwarts, I, Harold James Potter-Peverell-Gryffindor hereby ask for your assistance in protecting those within your halls, evil is attempting to breach the wards or rather already have, so, I ask to borrow your magic and banish those who would do you harm." He said and no response came, but as for the Vashta Nerada, they were disingtergrated into nothing and teh large doors of Hogwarts remained tightly shut.

    ~Black Mage~

    Black Mage had a sudden urge to kill Fighter, than again, he always tried to kill that idiot and unsuccessfully.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. StardustXtreme
  15. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post

    I already knew.

    I already knew.
    Profile Post by StardustXtreme for Princess Rapunzel, Aug 12, 2012
  16. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post

    Guess who that is?

    Guess who that is?
    Profile Post by StardustXtreme for Princess Rapunzel, Aug 12, 2012
  17. StardustXtreme
  18. StardustXtreme
  19. StardustXtreme
  20. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post

    Wouldn't be surprised.

    Wouldn't be surprised.
    Profile Post by StardustXtreme for Princess Rapunzel, Aug 12, 2012