really beat him, get him off.
Well to be honest KH2, KH1 Sucked when it came to clothes.
Well you do, but its only my oppinion. No reason to get angry.
Anybody Feel good today?
Well Sora's new clothes are not the best looking, but his forms clothes are great.
Hmm i don't think they will visit it maybe.
Emo! Right I dont think he is even close to that. He is more mature.
Okay, this role play game is make your own character or use an existing character from Kingdom Hearts. This Story takes place after Sora defeats the organization. It was only a matter of time before the darkness strikes again and one was born. Darkness struck his heart to soon and he was corrupted by the darkness. A Keyblade war begins as Sora, and many others search for the key of darkness to destroy it once again. At the same time hollow bastion's or as now known Radiant Garden is filled with Darkness and the city has been suspended on top of a mountain of shadows. One person searches for that key not to destroy it, but to harness it. The war wont end if he can help it. You must use the following Information In your Characters Entry Form For KH Character None -- For Custom Character Name: Appearance: (Picture Preferred) Custom Weapon: Abilities: (Optional: If not filled out you don't have a special ability.) ------------------------------------------- Name: Xarred Appearance: Custom Weapon: The Gas-tron Ability: Shadow Camouflage
Sound Like a good rp but i have no idea what this is about.
dude your a noob and im choosing to end this now.
^ yours....... lol
really how sweet makes me wanna to barf in a toilet after the image i got!
Long Time No see
Sparking Angel By Within Temptation
at least im alive and not dead
yeah yeah yeah but i already harvested yours!
My opinion is: 1. Its more kidish because they are kids in that game. 2. What else would they do? 3. Why should anyone care that its kidish.
Hey Guys this thread is just to talk about what ever and mabey learn something by it. Talk about politics or what ever.