No but i have every right to say who to vote for and just because im not over 18 doesn't mean i dont matter! 35078
vote clinton! 35074
Hey! 35071
Lets assume that Mccane and Hillary are the two candidates, which would you vote for? (Sorry if i miss spelled.)
Godzilla and Godzilla Junior moved towards new york.
check my new book out, here its to chapter 3 now. Please tell me if its good. 34796
tell me what you think rachel, take your time. 34784
booooooooooooooooooo you suck! *throws tomatoes* 34770
34767 times.
I honestly hate every picture you post organization..... 34762
me nither. 34759
Thank You 34756
Hey guys could you tell me how my story is, on a scale if 1-10 with 10 being the most. 34753
Chapter 1: The War Begins “Its time Sir, the subject has been modified to breath fire and fight valiantly,†explained Dr. Clayborn, “the subject is a biogenetic clone of the original American Godzilla, and the Japanese will pay for humiliating us in front of the United Nations.†“Good its time to unleash hell upon Tokyo, for they have not given us credit for our pain and misery,†said the President. “Sir I’m afraid you have gone mad with power,†said an official, “the Japanese have given us that credit, but are still humiliating us in front of the United Nations.†“Sure, have you ever tried going mad without power its boring nobody listens to you, now release the subject twenty five hundred miles from Tokyo bay, and name the monster Zilla,†said the President, while laughing. The United States Army sedated Zilla and boarded him on a ship toward Tokyo bay. The United States Marine Corps took Zilla about twenty five hundred miles from Tokyo bay. Zilla was woken and then dropped into the sea, but the ship took off before Zilla could come to. Zilla come out of the water roaring, but the Marine ship was not anywhere in sight. Zilla swam toward Tokyo but it would take days to get there, so Zilla ate some fish on the way to Tokyo. Zilla gabbled the fish down like it was a feast at a local all you can eat restaurant. “Sir, the United States have dropped a large animal within twenty five hundred miles from Tokyo bay,†the Assistant Prime Minister had explained, “people can die if that animal comes toward Tokyo.†“Alright if they want to play dirty then I declare war on the United States of America,†shouted the Prime Minister, “the United States will pay for the danger that they are trying to bring on Tokyo. Zilla was within two hundred miles from Tokyo bay. He swam and swam, as it seemed forever but soon he came upon an island about a hundred miles from the coast, but that island happened to be an island called Monster Island. Zilla roared, but there was no response, so Zilla sat down to rest for his journey to Tokyo was still a while longer, and he was out of breath. Chapter 2: The Unfortunate Battle Zilla woke and heard a roar. Zilla roared back and blew some fire at a rock. Zilla then softly roared. Zilla moved closer to the roar and found a baby Godzilla running all around. Zilla attacked it, but when he heard a large roar he stopped. There before Zilla stood Godzilla, he was as mad as aggravated wasp. Godzilla shot beams of atomic breath at Zilla, as Zilla took the hit head on. Godzilla roared and fired again. Zilla stood up and shot a ball of fire at Godzilla, and then Zilla roared and slapped Godzilla with his tail. Zilla moved back and shot a beam of fire at Godzilla; Godzilla felt the blast and was shot to the ground. Godzilla was tired and wanted to sleep so he grabbed Zilla and threw him into the ocean. Unfortunately Zilla got back up and shot a beam of fire at the baby Godzilla, Zilla then roared at Godzilla. Godzilla rushed over to the baby Godzilla, but it was to late, the baby Godzilla remained motionless and didn’t breathe. It would seem as if the baby Godzilla was killed. The baby Godzilla laid motionless as Godzilla became angry and shot atomic breath at the water, but it was worthless because Zilla had already fled. Godzilla roared and headed toward Japan. Godzilla would then surface in the city of Hong Kong, where he would make his way through the land to his destination of the southeastern side of Tokyo. Zilla emerged in Tokyo and caused havoc and destruction. Building were being trashed, cars were being crushed, and bridges were being ripped apart piece by piece, until there was only one hope for Tokyo, that hope was Godzilla. Only one problem emerged, as he was in Hong Kong, and not Tokyo. Godzilla moved on through the land, but it was hopeless for the people of Tokyo. It got even more hopeless when Zilla began to lay eggs. Infection was spreading and there was nothing the citizens of Tokyo could do. Zilla roared and blew fire at a building. The building began to catch fire, as it burned to the ground. Zilla blew another blast of flame at the building, causing it to melt and be liquefied. Zilla moved faster and faster, as he was headed for Mount Fuji, the current nesting ground for Rodan. Zilla blew fire at the mountain, but it only hit rock. Apparently Rodan wasn’t home. Godzilla finally hit the southeastern side of town, saddened to see it destroyed. Godzilla roared and rage began to grow inside of him. Chapter 3: The Tragic Explosion “Sir the Japanese have declared war,†explained the Vice President, “the Japanese have bombed Purl Harbor again.†The Vice President stared for a few minutes and asked, “Sir are you listening to me?†“Say what squire?†asked the President, and then yelled, “that cant be they shouldn’t of even picked us up on radar!†The President looked down and said, “well if that’s true then send our troops to Hong Kong, were going to blow that country off the map.†“Sir, with all due respect its all your fault,†explained the Vice President, “people that lived in Hawaii are blaming you.†The Vice President walked down the hall, and ordered the general to round up the troops. “All right team were part of this nation, and were here to defend this nation even if it means sacrificing our life for it,†the General explained; while at the same time yelling it, “we are one nation under god and we will fight for that title, we are the strongest nation on this earth and we will defend it!†“Defend it?†asked a man in a hood, “there’s not a reason to we have already plant a bomb in here.†He began to walk out of the building but to his surprise he was grabbed by a solider. “Seize him!†yelled the General, “he is to die and we will live now evacuate soldiers.†To the General’s surprise and to everyone else’s surprise the building blew up into thousands of pieces, with over two thousand soldiers inside. “Sir army base one has been destroyed, reports say that the Japanese have attacked it to,†explained the Vice President. “people and soldiers all died, that’s a fatality record of twenty five thousand people.†“I wont be disgraced by this, were going to bomb Hong Kong,†explained the President, “were going to wipe them off the planet.†The President got out of his chair and yelled, “Japan we have had enough of this nonsense.†“I will notify the army right now Sir,†the Vice President Explained. “We will defeat Japan and then we will defeat the whole world,†the Vice President thought. The Vice President walked to his office and laughed, in a dark tone. “Well if it’s a war the Japanese want it’s a war they’ll get,†said the President out loud, “we are the nation that will survive under god!†The president got up and thought, “its time to show Japan what the United States are made of.†“Yes sir I will deploy the team toward Japan,†the new General explained, “we will fight for what is right and not for what is wrong. Chapter 4: Godzilla’s Revenge Godzilla moved toward the center of Tokyo, with his eyes filled with rage. It was his ultimate goal to kill every last one of Zilla’s babies, for Zilla took the liberty of killing Godzilla’s son. Godzilla moved in and shot some atomic breath into the ground therefore destroying hundreds of eggs. Zilla came stomping in when he noticed Godzilla. Zilla shot a fire beam directly at Godzilla, for Zilla wanted to protect his eggs. Zilla roared and slapped Godzilla with his tail. Godzilla fell to the ground as he shot atomic breath at Zilla. Godzilla got back up and wrapped his tail around Zilla, and then he threw Zilla onto the ground. Godzilla roared and shot another beam at the eggs. Zilla got back up steamed up and ready to attack like an enraged wasp. Zilla shot fire at Godzilla, but Godzilla continued to stand, for he was determined to fight for what was rightfully his, his revenge. Godzilla moved back shot an attack and destroyed the final egg. Godzilla turned around, as Zilla shot a beam of fire at Godzilla. That was the last straw Godzilla was through with Zilla, he shot red atomic breath at Zilla, as Zilla crashed onto the ground. Godzilla began to leave what seemed a dead body, but in fact Zilla was not even dead, he was only unconscious, for Zilla would not be so easily beat. Godzilla traveled to northern end of Tokyo only to find it destroyed too. Zilla woke from being unconscious; he stood up feeling oozy and exhausted. Zilla didn’t have the strength to fight any longer. Zilla thought he had won when he woke up and Godzilla was gone. “Sir, we have been hit in Hong Kong,†explained a Japanese general, “we must not panic for that is what the United States expects us to do.†Little did the general know that the United States already planned to bomb the central government. “What we mustn’t sit and do nothing, surly they expect us to sit and do nothing all day long,†explained the Prime Minster, “we will take action now, and we will destroy the United States of America, before it’s to late.†The Prime Minister took off out of the comfortable room to a stingy old office, where he kept all his supplies for war and handed two bombs to the general. “Take this and bomb Washington D.C. tonight,†explained the Prime Minister. So the General took off to another room and gave supplies to a Private, “Get these to head quarters,†the General told the Private. Chapter 5: The Nuclear Explosion “The time has come soldiers we must fight for what is right, we must fight for our right as the number one country in the world,†the American General explained, “we will not back down, are you ready?†“Yes sir,†replied the army men, “we all will fight for what is right, we are the number one country in the world!†The army men stood there for a minute, as they heard helicopters above. “What the hell it can’t be the coppers aren’t suppose to be here till around five,†explained the American General “that can’t be our choppers, there is no way for it to be our choppers. “Because they’re not Sir, I’m not a American I’m really a Japanese,†the man had explained, “I’m sorry but I crashed the computer systems, while everyone was at lunch, were all going to die.†“Why, how could you do this to us?†the American General asked, while feeling sick, knowing he was going to die within minutes. “I, I, I couldn’t stop it if I would of tried I would of died, oh and I want to let you know its your presidents fault for our death,†explained the Japanese man, “the bomb will blow up in two point three minutes.†Godzilla had moved toward Washington D.C. earlier that day, but as he arose from the shore a shockwave of energy hit him. The bomb had exploded and destroyed the city as well as the white house, it would seem as if the United States were doomed. Godzilla rose back up from the water feeling warm. The explosion had altered Godzilla’s DNA causing parts of his body to turn red. The DNA altered turned into radioactivity, therefore Godzilla was slowly melting away. “Sir we did it, we bombed Washington D.C. and won,†explained the private, “we have won the war there is no way we can lose now.†“Well I hate to disagree but look here,†explained the General while turning on screen with Kiryu on it. Kiryu was destroying the western half of Tokyo. “What how could this happen?†asked the private. “Well one of the American soldiers hacked our systems and caused the awakening of our greatest machine Kiryu 3.0, the remake of Kiryu without Godzilla’s bones,†explained the Japanese General.